Two things that Collateral Damage emphasized throughout his thread: 1) The menial subservience to those ON THE FIELD and 2) Financial malfeasance and exploitation of faithful followers [i.e. parents had given decades of twi-service and had no equity/financial future].
Those two driving issues were staple reasons why I, too, began dissenting from twi-dogma since the early '80s.
From the field perspective.......go to twig, witness, go to twig coordinator meetings, set-up crews, run classes, no weekends, working menial jobs, scrapping money together for next major event, had to keep updating advance class status, etc.......yielding no equity, no home mortgage, no family vacations, no hope in sight of getting off twi's treadmill. Year after year. And, twi "wonders" why people exit and NEVER RETURN?
Talk about callousness and a conscience seared with a hot iron. Modern-day Pharisees and hypocrites in upper-tier levels.