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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/15/2016 in all areas

  1. This is a gross misrepresentation of T-Bones's point. He was not questioning the reliability of the scriptures. He was questioning VP's credibility. Here is what he said: "What if a similar criterion could be applied to “the teacher”….(cough – ahem)…vp. If he lied to us about PFAL coming from all his own research - or he lied to us when he said God audibly told him He would teach vp the Word like it has not be known since the 1st century…then why should we trust him on anything else?!?!"
    2 points
  2. A similar criterion CAN be applied to vpw and his false claims. SINCE he is a proven liar about how pfal was from only his research and divine revelation, and SINCE he lied to us entirely about God Almighty making impressive-sounding, EMPTY promises to him, THEN we have no reason to trust the alleged "teacher" on anything else. If there is any substance, it's not due to him, and if there's falsehood, it receives no legitimacy in proceeding from his mouth and pen. Sure is a shame when people confuse the contents of pfal-which is filled with errors and stems from vpw's plagiarisms and limited understanding- with the contents of Holy Scripture. We've had our share of posters who've done that over the years, even one who thought vpw's books and classes were SUPERIOR to Holy Scripture and SUPERSEDED it.
    1 point
  3. Your post got me to see a weird juxtaposition – contrasting the “ministry” of vp and Jesus’ ministry in the gospels. In the opening of the PFAL class when vp was expounding on John 10:10 / the more abundant life – vp said if God’s Word was not reliable in John 10:10 – if Jesus lied to us - then how could it be reliable in other places – in other words - how could we trust it – (it was something along those lines – it’s been a long time since I actually listened to PFAL)… What if a similar criterion could be applied to “the teacher”….(cough – ahem)…vp. If he lied to us about PFAL coming from all his own research - or he lied to us when he said God audibly told him He would teach vp the Word like it has not be known since the 1st century…then why should we trust him on anything else?!?!
    1 point
  4. 1 point
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