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http://www.age-of-the-sage.org/philosophy/history/learning_from_history.html I witnessed 17 years of history at TWI (1970-1987). I would encourage anyone who is still involved to reconsider what you are doing.2 points
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Jean-Yves found his "safe zone" in International Outreach......where he was nurtured into the cult-elite status. From 1988-1992, the trustees were still reeling from dem "fog years" as martindale continued to clear out the dead wood of corps grads who were less-than-enthusiastic to follow his lead, but hesitant to call it quits. Even though martindale desperately tried to assert his authority, there was a general malaise that permeated large swaths of followers. Then, the purges.......1) the loyalty purge, 2) homo-purge, 3) non-productive purge, 4) those-in-debt purge, 5) those who didn't believe "the word was over the world" purge, 6) full-time corps purge, 7) the bridge to the promised land purge, 8) martindale was going to teach new fnd/int/adv class series to replace wierwille's --- if you didn't get on board with this, then GET OUT [purge]. During these years, Jean-Yves came to the same crossroads of decisions as the rest of us: Eschew evil, confront it and walk away OR be loyal and subservient to the cult. Jean-Yves made his choice.....and was sucked into the cult vortex. The scriptures describe this seduction in a variety of ways.1 point
Beyond all that, in the years I have observed him, JY has become more and more aloof, and displayed more and more of the same Pharisaiac characteristics of rfr based leadership. non-approachable, elite. superiority tone of condescension in communication. he has participated in and carried so many of the back room decisions resulting in the devastation of lives that he has the same blood on his hands rfr does. i mean just one example - imo the whole cffm ministry exists because of @$$holish Machiavellian behavior at the top of TWI that has basically been modeled through EVERY presidency in TWI. You have to realize the whole culture of TWI leadership - Board of Directors - is not like a university or normal corporation Board of Directors - where you have a number of accomplished well-educated people collaborating together to further the best interests of a university of company. It is a group of people whose education basically has been within the organization - low levels of education and high levels of control. A group of Machiavellian elitist Pharisees. It is a dictatorship. rfr with her little sidekick Donna ran everything and the 2 underling guys basically rubber-stamped it all. Why? Because they saw non-consenting predecessors shipped to Siberia. It is a succession of Pharisees. And the only thing you can be guaranteed about Pharisees is that the next one will be 3-fold the child of hell as the previous. Why do you think the non-winning candidate is posting up his uniquely crafted resume on the internet? Because he has a deep sense of security about his necessity in the next Pharisee administration? No, more like the mob type mentality he's afraid of getting whacked. good fellas. sent to the unemployment lines by his peer. and who is going to hire him? become the next worldwide outreach coordinator for the jallyroll organization? film jesus my diameter part 2? Steer clear of them there Pharisees. We aren't living in the past, we're living in the prudent. Successions of Pharisees isn't going to cleanse the Way. That story would look more like the Hunger Games if it happened in a genuine sense.1 point
Thanks Skyrider! Another tremendous series of posts from a long-time GSC stalwart. Honest and forthright with volumes of FACTS to substantiate your every word. A reason your continued presence here, IMO, is critical to the continuing mission of the Spot! Now, Monsieur de Liar, here's my open letter to you and your TWIts big apple style. A bit less comfortable for you perhaps, but, IMO, the last thing ANY "president" of TWIt deserves IS comfortable ANYTHING! I left the TWIt gulag in December, 1986 after 16 years in the cesspool. I "graduated" from the Way corpse in August, 1976. I was in that thing Johnny the drunk Townsend called the Yak Twig after Chairman Geer the bus driver destroyed TWIt with his putsch paper about some legendary, supposedly benevolent "patriarch" who was put one step above Saul of Tarsus as this man-o-gawd (MOG) for this our day and time and hour and minute and nanosecond. I bought that purulent horse manure too, UNTIL I returned to your little mud hole in new Knoxville. I was on staff there from 1979-1986, when I left. That's where the truth and FACTS regarding dictor paul wierwille and his cult of perverted personality disorders began staring me in the face. Slowly but relentlessly those FACTS were oozing from the belly of that beast daily. The cognitive dissonance and abject immorality of what dictor and his boyz in da hoods were doing was horrifying. Truly and wildly against everything our Lord Christ stands for today. Psychopatholigical, alcohol-driven madness which literally killed innocents and drove a significant number of others to suicide! ALL in the name of "God's rightly divided Word" lived "in the renewed mind in manifestation" with complete and total allegiance to the MOG, "The Teacher", wayfers' "Father in the Word". Unlike you de Liar, I did not bury my head or heart in that TWIt toilet. It did not take me 28 years of blatant ass-kissing and personal compromise to realize that something IS very rotten in TWItville, Ohio! So wrong that, no authentic Christian could ever in good conscience before the Lord stay there and continue to poison the waters of life for the genuine Christians who wanted just to love God and serve the bread of life to those in need. And yet, here you are in 2016 agreeing to preside over that fraud of a minus-tray as if nothing bad enough ever happened that you must repent of before God and His Church, and ask for forgiveness from BOTH! That should be your number one task. But, I'm sure YOU don't "see the need" to do that, because you'd never agree to be pwesident if you even hinted at doing this right thing. This after 28 years at the vortex of sin and spiritual illness that your precious headquarters continues to live and promote. That means you were there during dem fawg years. That means you signed da forehead's loyalty oath. That means you went through and SUPPORTED, the homo purges, the ending of the ROA and the WOW program due to "homo infiltration". The screaming, spit-filled propaganda and hate speech against all us possessed cop-outs, non-stop every day for years. The public humiliation and destruction of ANY & ALL opposition or perceived "rebellion" against his MOGship. The incredible fascist, neo-Nazi malignant paranoid narcissism which eventually threw out any bible and replaced it with "genuine spiritual suspicion" as the main rule of "faith and practice". The "no debt" lunacy. The fun enforcement of "mark and avoid". Taking the "prevailing word" and locking it up behind the newly constructed walls of Zion that you morons consented to. The remake of dictor's PFAL into an even more incoherently insane WAP class. The pathetic Way Disciples program to replace WOWs. The overt and persistent pathological serial rape and sexual assault that Da Forehead's perverted "father in the word" taught the boy to do so well, and with rabid enthusiasm. And, your pal Ros-a-lie also participated in enthusiastically as well with dictor paul himself, and Howard and Don, and literally scores of other MOGs including members of my corpse which she was in-rez with when she began in the Family Corpse II in August, 1975! Male and female Monsieur de Liar! Ask Ms. Lombardi-Martindale about that! Denial. Obfuscation. Outright pathological lying. Blameshifting and finger pointing is what you've been taught to accept and demand. That's what you accept with your revisionist history of Da Forehead's two "settled" serial rape and sexual assault charges, along with Rosie's whitewashed version of her own admissions to the criminal sexual behavior of the Da forehead and others that are in the sealed settlement documents. If you know all this after 28 years and you're still there, my de Liar moniker fits you quite well Monsieur! And, you'll wear it with PRIDE I'm sure. Unlike the far more kind Skyrider, I'm not wasting one nanosecond of my Christian prayer life on you, or any of the rest of you hypocritical, whited sepulchers. You are anti(against)-Christ in words and works. You are vain babblers, ever learning yet never coming to the knowledge of the truth. You are an insult to the Lord who bought you. You are a false teacher. You and your rosie suffer from the root of all evil.....the love of money. You preach for filthy lucre's sake. You plagiarize the plagiarizers. You bow your knee to Baal. You are anathema to the Lord Jesus Christ and His Heavenly Father. You have been weighed in the balances and found wanting. Your "ministry" is a sham and a fraud. You serve the god of this world. REPENT! Ask God for forgiveness and apologize to those whom you have despitefully used. You have raped and plundered The Good Shepherd's precious flock. Their blood is on your hands. You cannot fool God! You cannot hide from the Righteous Judge either. You return to your own vomit, day after day, year after year. The blood of the righteous which you have shed screams through the ground against you. My only prayer for you is, "May the Lord have mercy upon your souls." Have a nice inauguration and installation asshole!1 point
Penworks: My experience in Florida in late 1970s and early 1980s was that VPW required Corps night dial-ups from those of us on the field. Limb and branch leaders enforced this on the Corps in their areas. Penworks: IMO, The Corps was on a short choke chain while I was in residence in 1971-1973 when VPW was directly in charge of it.1 point
They bill it as "a lifetime of Christian service". This covers all their leash shortening tactics, which are many. Now required are submitting for approval yearly meeting schedules, schedule weekly phone calls to review Vision and Direction goals and progress as well as feedback on weekly schedules that are required to be turned in, and there are requirements for the number and types of meetings necessary between the local fellowship, leadership (fellowship coordinators), higher levels (branch coordinators, limb coordinators). Of course vacation time for staff is very limited and requires multiple levels of approval. Oh, and the counting and recounting of people attending fellowship. It was instituted that you couldn't actually report a person as no longer attending fellowship prior to obtaining approval from the Trunk office. There are other "leash shortening" restrictions - marriage of course is one, during LCM time pregnancy was a restriction as well as a pet policy, you cannot own a "distributorship" (i.e. sell things on the side for additional income). You spoke of required attendance at Corps hookups. This was instituted by LCM - prior to that it was just whoever wanted to dial in and all the groups were announced in the meeting. He wanted the undivided attention of everyone for his sessions where he dropped people and ran their names into the mud with libelous statements. In the Rosie era, this stopped, to be replaced by rudimentary teachings on fundamentals including a "practical" sharing spot to be filled with inane babble in a parent->child tone teaching people about frivolous things such as reading can labels, bowel movements, and other such nonsense. These would teeter on the verge of being so stupid that everyone would object to just being borderline enough where some idiot would write in and say how much they learned during the bowel movement teaching. LCM hookups were fear driven. Rosie hookups are boredom driven. Very frequently I've witnessed Corps not even listening to the hookups and just talking throughout the whole meeting due to mind-numbing boredom. Oh, and God forbid you had a schedule conflict. Out of town business trips would require that you attend one of the available make-up calls, and if those were missed there were the requisite reproof sessions regarding your spiritual priorities. Oh, and Corps files. It was decided that nobody gets to see those any more - not returned after the 10 year mark like previously. So whatever slanderous statements, erroneous judgements, and blind malice that would work its way into there was forever preserved for all eternity. Local leadership also would keep "files" on Corps, and a common way to get rid of people would be to just bitch about them every week on your call with your leadership. This of course served the purpose of taking any focus off of you and diverting it to a common scapegoat. This type of activity served to develop people in leadership positions that are very adept at that - choosing scapegoats and kissing @$$. In fact, if I had to choose two "leadership" qualities common to Corps leadership currently, those two would be forefront. Yes, the Corps has gone from a long leash to a short choke chain. Those that remain show undying loyalty and complete lack of imagination. And a lot of fear. You see, after being employed in that kind of environment and in it for years, people going out into the business world don't know how to cope. The paradigm LCM showed of bragging how he could be the CEO of a major business and then when forced to back it up doing nothing more than slinging boxes at UPS in a part-time college student position is one that pretty much would play out equally across the spectrum of current leadership. In a climate where choosing scapegoats and kissing @$$ isn't valued as much as producing tangible results, leaders who have been trained up in "how they do things at HQ" are woefully inadequately prepared. The short choke chain micromanagement is an insult to any intelligent and qualified leader. In business people migrate away from that type of culture - usually to grow beyond their previous manager. Only by manipulating and playing on people's love for God and desire to serve is it possible for TWI leadership to replace God with a person and substitute the person's will for God's in one of the greatest scams of all time - bilking people out of money, time, education, energy, and their youth. No, the Corps is not a "lifetime of Christian service", it is a lifetime of servitude and meniality and being subject to the whims and wiles of false prophets and false teachers. (I won't include false apostles because they don't even have enough vision in any direction to qualify). The Corps is nothing more than a scheme for Christian exclusivity, and the pattern plays out as long as people are stupid enough to allow themselves to remain under the authority of those running it.1 point