And further.....
About 25 years ago.......I read this interesting article about "Clergy look for Alternative Careers." The article honed in on statistics that it took about 15 years for salaried clergy to call it quits. From what I remember, it cited that constrictions, the repetition, and the bureaucracy of church governance that compelled clergy to find secular employment elsewhere. 15 years. And, these were salaried employees.
What about corps and adv class grads who do ALL THIS WORK for free....always in subservient roles?
Just seems to me that there are certain types of people who like the institutionalized version that they wrap themselves around [i.e. twi's cult-centered version].......while others, like me, see the whole outfit as a constraining, deceptive thugocracy. When wierwille died, lots of folks bolted. Seemingly, they stayed around to "save face" and stuff like that. With Rosalie stepping down, will other leadership bolt?