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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/27/2016 in all areas

  1. And further..... About 25 years ago.......I read this interesting article about "Clergy look for Alternative Careers." The article honed in on statistics that it took about 15 years for salaried clergy to call it quits. From what I remember, it cited that constrictions, the repetition, and the bureaucracy of church governance that compelled clergy to find secular employment elsewhere. 15 years. And, these were salaried employees. What about corps and adv class grads who do ALL THIS WORK for free....always in subservient roles? Just seems to me that there are certain types of people who like the institutionalized version that they wrap themselves around [i.e. twi's cult-centered version].......while others, like me, see the whole outfit as a constraining, deceptive thugocracy. When wierwille died, lots of folks bolted. Seemingly, they stayed around to "save face" and stuff like that. With Rosalie stepping down, will other leadership bolt?
    1 point
  2. Think she'd like a signed copy of my book? It'll be out soon. :-)
    1 point
  3. Your post got me thinking – maybe TWI’s power to hold onto devoted followers has been on the decline ever since vp passed away…many cults are centered around a charismatic leader – vp was certainly that – “…if ever a wiz there was…”; there’s probably a lot of reasons for the mass exodus in ’86 – but maybe the biggest reason was simply that THE STAR of the show died! What was the name of that song - “Star of the Show” (?) by one of TWI’s bands that sang it's you Lord that gets the top billing. Many of us may have sung along in agreement while idols of the heart (Ezekiel 14:3) - hidden by an elaborate cloaking device – kept the reverence for vp below the “inappropriate radar”; vp is the one who started the veiled idolatry – ideas like: we respect the man of God out of respect for God…we respect what the man of God says out of respect for the word of God that he speaks…After a while of thinking this way maybe it all gets lost in the sauce. vp did not get up from the grave three days after his death…however there remains the Wholly Spirit (of lies) at the top of the heap who will bring “all things vp” to one’s remembrance. In my opinion the succeeding presidents lacked the compelling charm to keep folks devoted to the cause – so they resorted to “martial law”. What vp accomplished by finesse subsequent leaders must do by force. But coercion and compulsion take a lot more energy to maintain that pressure – and that’s why I think TWI is slowly running out of steam. I mean - how much mileage can one get out of a departed sexual predator with a flair for plagiarism. TWI’s legitimacy and authority were self-conferred by vp…and now that he’s gone, no one – - and I repeat, no one can take the place of the absent vp.
    1 point
  4. Hey, BlueCord, I'm late to the party but wanted to chime in and say hello. I hope you and your wife are continuing to enjoy your extra free time spending it how you choose and with the people that you choose. With regards to the teachings - this thread on actual errors in PFAL may be of some use. And this one. I will be forever grateful for the work that these people put into dissecting the class and teachings and helping untangle so much of it. I also read a lot of Elaine Pagels, particularly "The Origin of Satan" because we were taught to trace everything back to the original, right? ;-) I'm very happy that you and your wife were able to leave together. I spent five years trying to get my husband to see how bad it was but he insisted I was just being a contentious wife. I left and he stayed in. He even went back to work at the compound in New Knoxville and is still there for all I know.
    1 point
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