Within the ranks of twi........their spiritual legitimacy and moral authority are waning.
Sure, those of us who have been outspoken about this, and those who have been paying attention....have seen this coming for a long, long time. But, I believe.....with Rosalie stepping down at the end of this year, and anemic enthusiasm for advanced class grads to "come to headquarters and work on staff" promotions, and more corps refusing and defiant to walk in lockstep......the gig is over. Let the Wierwille Memorial Museum phase begin.
And yeah, Jean-Yves is the next malleable president-elect to step up to the plate.....but who, really, will accept his authoritarian mandate to rule? He might have a cool-sounding "international name" to represent an international ministry (cough, cough), but that will hardly get enough mileage to drive to New Knoxville and back. Remember how wierwille pressed the masses to publically vow to follow martindale? And, how did that turn out? Just like back then......many will see this as a good opportunity to stage left.
For sure, Rosalie and Donna will be close by to mentor Jean-Yves' every move and decision.....as they micro-manage his public persona. He is their investment. Their emeritus status and retirement depend on his benevolent adherence to the wierwille doctrine. Soon, Rosalie and Donna can travel at will together......to Chicago, to fine restaurants and wherever.....and to reappear at the Sunday social to support the auditorium adulation. That $64 Million is a nice nest egg to sit upon.
Will John Rupp hit the road to find other opportunities? Will the region coordinators be "salted" to follow the new leader? The transition is a year-long process to weld new allegiance and sniff out the disrupters, the disgruntles and antagonists. But then again......how many staffers simply stay the course, because where else does a 63 year old go to find a new job? Steady as she goes......screw the outreach.
Does anybody really know what time it is? Does anybody really care? lol