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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/06/2016 in all areas

  1. I don't think there is any one, single answer. Everyone has their own reason for becoming involved. And, what might have been a big draw for us old folks who got involved in the 1970's, might not be an attraction at all today. Some of the more common reasons for joining are: 1. A sense of belonging 2. A sense of being part of something bigger than themselves. 3. The idea of doing something noble and important. 4. A desire to know more about the Bible and spiritual matters in general. 5. The list goes on. Personally, I was brought into the organization by a process we have come to call "date and switch". It's just as it sounds. A TWI member feigns personal interest in a new recruit to get them to attend functions, sign up for classes. Once the new recruit is hooked, the recruiter moves on to another prospect. There are a lot of people who have posted here who have had this experience. Now, as to why people go WOW or Way Corps: Again, there are multiple, personal reasons that could be cited. However, peer pressure, in my opinion, is a major driving force. If (seemingly) everyone in your local area is moving on to more "advanced" Way endeavors, such as WOW, Way Corps, etc., those who are left behind feel somewhat less successful than their peers. This is something that is not exclusive to The Way. It's similar to the feeling people get when all their friends have definitive college and career plans but they have no idea what their next move will be.
    2 points
  2. Good question, Brainstormer ! i agree with Waysider's post. people are very complex beings - so I think there's probably many reasons that may draw an individual - perhaps some they're not aware of like the longing to belong as mentioned by Waysider. But on the surface a popular Way-tactic that I learned to recruit others was to find out a very real thing the person wanted - more money, a job, healing, to succeed at something, etc., and then explain to them how the keys that they'll learn in PFAL will enable them to attain that. At the time when I took the class I was on a spiritual quest and when they showed me the benefits on back of sign up card I chose "enables you to separate truth from error " (oh the irony of that now) - using the benefits on back of card as a way to smoke out what a person was wanting was part of that way tactic I mentioned above. Identify their need/want - and then target your sales pitch accordingly. As far as sales tactics go I think very little of churches in general that get into the health and wealth marketing schemes. Any time I come across some teaching that goes along the genie-in-a-bottle sales pitch I often ask the question "what if the only thing Christianity offered was Jesus - would you still be interested?"
    1 point
  3. This is your invitation to visit my UPDATED website with lots of information about my book. Hope you enjoy! Undertow's webpage is live!
    1 point
  4. Apparently, from the poster image, "we shall overcome" by nodding in approval.
    1 point
  5. What do you think is the main "draw" to TWI? Is it the home fellowships? The classes? The instant "friends" that surround you? The fabulous publications/books? Or something else? And what leads a person to wanting to be a WOW ambassador or in the Corps?
    1 point
  6. No,Raf! Methinks if iit is circling back, it's not to wallop you again - - he just wants to be sure he did a good job and wiped out everything.
    1 point
  7. What really sucks about this storm is how slowly it's been moving. It's just crawling up the projected cone, which means no matter how strong it is (and it is strong), its effects will be harsh solely by virtue of how long it will be hanging around. For those of you not on the eastern seaboard, I humbly request donations to coastal chapters of the American Red Cross. They're going to need it. Make sure you mark your donations "Hurricane Matthew Relief." This will REQUIRE the charities you choose to earmark your donations for this specific cause. My home is a few miles inland, so I'm not terribly worried. Shutters are up, pets can be corralled easily, water and food stocked up, vehicles gassed. So we should be fine.
    1 point
  8. Undertow: My Escape from the Fundamentalism and Cult Control of The Way International is my memoir that will be out this November. Check my website (now being updated) next week for ordering information. http://charleneedge.com Meanwhile, I thought I'd share my joy over a few more endorsements for Undertow: “A magnificently written life story that sheds light on the enticing ways of cult recruitment and indoctrination that engender conformity, obedience, and loss of self. Nevertheless, thankfully, the seed of doubt grows, as the author strives for acceptance through hard work and deep faith. Edge’s prose captures the essence of cult life and the personal devastation of having to acknowledge not only corruption and plagiarized teachings but also a “sex ring” at the top levels of leadership. An important and must-read book – more gripping than a mystery. Undertow will sweep you away.” — Janja Lalich, Ph.D., Professor Emerita of Sociology, author, Take Back Your Life: Recovering from Cults and Abusive Relationships “In Undertow Charlene Edge has written a brilliant and engrossing warning to the future by dissecting the past. There are really two books here: one is on a cult called The Way (one of the largest fundamentalist cults in America with about 40,000 followers [in its heyday]). The second book is an examination of the dynamic of all personality, religious, and political cults. By looking (from a heart-wrenching insider’s point of view) at a misuse of power in one specific group, Edge has written a book that unpacks a far greater truth. What she exposes to bright liberating daylight is just how our political and religious worlds actually function based on the mesmerizing enticement of belonging to an “in”-group. This is a brilliantly written and timely warning against falling into the trap of thinking we're the self-proclaimed “chosen” (be that religious or secular, left or right) as we exclude the feared ‘Other.’” — Frank Schaeffer, author of Crazy for God: How I Grew Up as One of the Elect, Helped Found the Religious Right, and Lived to Take All (or Almost All) of It Back and New York Times best-selling author of Keeping Faith “Charlene Edge writes with clarity and sensitivity. This memoir on her experiences in The Way International will help readers understand the subtleties and complexities of cultic groups.” — Michael D. Langone, Ph.D., Executive Director of the International Cultic Studies Association, Editor of Cultic Studies Review, ICSA Today’s Editor-in-Chief, and Editor of Recovery from Cults: Help for Victims of Psychological and Spiritual Abuse. “Undertow is a cautionary tale for all young people, especially those who are preparing to leave their familiar surroundings to go to college, join the Armed Forces, or move to start a new job. However, the same warning applies to anyone at any age who is going through any life change, such as the loss of a job, a divorce, or the death of a loved one. The names of high-control groups like The Way will be different, their teachings will vary, but the basic techniques of recruiting and mind control are the same. The extreme difficulty in leaving these organizations is evident in Charlene Edge’s story.” — Marjorie Patton, parent of an ex Way Corps member who received successful exit counseling before Corps graduation. “This is a very personal and eye-opening exposé of the hidden world of life in a destructive group. It took great personal courage and strength for Charlene to break away and build a new life for herself and daughter. A must read!” — Patrick Ryan, graduate of Maharishi International University, cult intervention specialist since 1984 at Intervention 101.com, contributing author in Recovery from Cults: Help for Victims of Psychological and Spiritual Abuse, edited by Michael Langone, PhD.
    1 point
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