Something I wish someone had suggested to me ...
Ask the regular folks at fellowship, "what happens when someone decides to leave?" Can someone be a part of this outfit and leave without being shamed?
I joined the group as a college student, sharp, top of my class, and I'd say with good intentions to make a positive impact with my life. I wasn't hurting anyone, wasn't down on myself, wasn't wasting away or on the verge of suicide. And I certainly wasn't wallowing in vomit. When I left, people were told that I returned to said "vomit" and was worthless. What was the difference in between? 27 years of involvement in The Way. If I was horrible, to be avoided at all costs, a imbecile without purpose ... where did I formulate those traits?
If a good decent person cannot leave The Way without being a horrible person, it isn't a worthy organization.