"Death by a thousand exits" will continue to intensify as the ruse is exposed.
It is quite evident that waydale and greasespot have, methodically and undeniably, exposed "the whited sepulcher" [twi]. The days of twi manipulating a majority of good-hearted people and families is over. The internet is here. And, finding out about "the way international" is but a google-search away.
Deception is at the very heart of wierwille's twi. By using the sordid tools of seduction......manipulation, deception, isolation, exploitation, power and control......wierwille was ensconced on a spiritual throne of his own making. But even then, the exiting was happening during wierwille's tenure as well. Yet, at that time, the youngbloods were feverishly witnessing day after day, week after week.......and few seemed to notice those who were heading out the door.
Those days are long gone. The mystique is over......and the classes are a bore. The teachings are regurgitated enough times throughout the month that there is no meat to chew anymore.......just mashed-up mush. Distasteful and unappealing.
"Follow the leader" is just one big pain in the azz