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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/31/2016 in all areas

  1. "Death by a thousand exits" will continue to intensify as the ruse is exposed. It is quite evident that waydale and greasespot have, methodically and undeniably, exposed "the whited sepulcher" [twi]. The days of twi manipulating a majority of good-hearted people and families is over. The internet is here. And, finding out about "the way international" is but a google-search away. Deception is at the very heart of wierwille's twi. By using the sordid tools of seduction......manipulation, deception, isolation, exploitation, power and control......wierwille was ensconced on a spiritual throne of his own making. But even then, the exiting was happening during wierwille's tenure as well. Yet, at that time, the youngbloods were feverishly witnessing day after day, week after week.......and few seemed to notice those who were heading out the door. Those days are long gone. The mystique is over......and the classes are a bore. The teachings are regurgitated enough times throughout the month that there is no meat to chew anymore.......just mashed-up mush. Distasteful and unappealing. "Follow the leader" is just one big pain in the azz
    2 points
  2. Perhaps a "WOWED AND FORGOTTEN" button? There was probably thousands.
    1 point
  3. WG..."the spirit within you would die." Hmm...seems like these supposed Bible-believing folks in TWI have forgotten that pesky little phrase about "incorruptible seed."
    1 point
  4. WordWolf and Skyrider - great observations! Skyrider – interesting you should say the mystique is over…I found this definition online and it fits VP/TWI to a “T” – mystique is a framework of doctrines, ideas, beliefs, or the like, constructed around a person or object, endowing the person or object with enhanced value or profound meaning online definition of mystique Makes me think of another time when there were a lot of exits…
    1 point
  5. D) the mystique of wierwille and the pedestal of "THE man of God" E) a cabal of yes-men insiders on twi-payroll and the in-house publications/machinery
    1 point
  6. So, to sum things up..... <sarcasm> There's nothing I'd rather do than go sit through multiple hours of an Animatronics version of Don Knotts teaching Jesus Christ - DOA and send him money </sarcasm>
    1 point
  7. Sitting through a video presentation of ANYONE expounding the Bible again is just not something I ever want to do again! And it's not because I think the Bible is BS (I don't) or any number of negative things some may say it is -- but just because I feel I've sat through enough Bible "teachings" to last a hundred lifetimes!! Hehehe. It's funny ... the fact that one man is still doing the same thing he did for well over 30 years now -- in exact style and content and delivery -- over and over and over again ... is sorta weird to me! Also, when I've popped on JAL's facebook page or clicked on a couple of his YouTube videos ... what I see and hear just does not seem authentic to me. It doesn't seem to be coming from the HEART of the man ... that sacred core where our deepest convictions/passions reside. His presentation almost seems robotic to me ... like some of those eerie Disney displays at the 1964 World's Fair -- where the characters look life-size and true to the human form, but move and talk in a slowed-down, mechanical way! I don't know ... maybe I'm being too harsh in my impressions. Or maybe all those teachings of "a hundred lifetimes" have just taken their toll on me. All I can say is that I've never been so thankful to have walked away when I did from the programming that I acquiesced to in TWI for far too many years! Real life and real people living in the REAL world are just a whole lot ... well ... more REAL than anything I ever lived in when I was a wayfer. Hearing JAL do his JAL thing is like going back in time to the unreal! "Get a chart - get a life"? I don't think so!
    1 point
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