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  1. I think you were describing Animatronics. And I probably couldn't come up with a better description of JAL. I've thought for a long time that he has seemed inauthentic.
    1 point
  2. Sitting through a video presentation of ANYONE expounding the Bible again is just not something I ever want to do again! And it's not because I think the Bible is BS (I don't) or any number of negative things some may say it is -- but just because I feel I've sat through enough Bible "teachings" to last a hundred lifetimes!! Hehehe. It's funny ... the fact that one man is still doing the same thing he did for well over 30 years now -- in exact style and content and delivery -- over and over and over again ... is sorta weird to me! Also, when I've popped on JAL's facebook page or clicked on a couple of his YouTube videos ... what I see and hear just does not seem authentic to me. It doesn't seem to be coming from the HEART of the man ... that sacred core where our deepest convictions/passions reside. His presentation almost seems robotic to me ... like some of those eerie Disney displays at the 1964 World's Fair -- where the characters look life-size and true to the human form, but move and talk in a slowed-down, mechanical way! I don't know ... maybe I'm being too harsh in my impressions. Or maybe all those teachings of "a hundred lifetimes" have just taken their toll on me. All I can say is that I've never been so thankful to have walked away when I did from the programming that I acquiesced to in TWI for far too many years! Real life and real people living in the REAL world are just a whole lot ... well ... more REAL than anything I ever lived in when I was a wayfer. Hearing JAL do his JAL thing is like going back in time to the unreal! "Get a chart - get a life"? I don't think so!
    1 point
  3. Lanikaigal, welcome. I so relate to your "being witnessed to" experience. I get JW doorknockers from time to time, nothing new - but one day I was out walking and observed some Mormons doing their doorknocking thing. And it struck me - that "was me," at one time, beating the feet up and down streets, hopefully knocking on doors but being rejected... I wonder how many people have ever truly been reached by any bunch of people "door knocking." Stick around, I'm sure you have a lot to contribute.
    1 point
  4. My point is that the ripples of The Way's extremism are far reaching--through generations, not just those that got involved back in the 60's, 70's and 80's. How terrible to feel as though the community that shaped you would want you to be dead.
    1 point
  5. Welcome to FellowLaborers. Will you be staying for dinner?
    1 point
  6. Hey, all youz guys ... Thank you for the warm welcome! Look forward to "getting to know" you a bit more in the days ahead. This website is a great resource for so many. Kudos to those who keep it up and running -- especially the ones doing the most work as computer geeks and moderators!! ("Geeks" said with pure affection, of course.) Thank you!
    1 point
  7. I'm thinking of that in light of the "Two by Two" requirements. It was bad enough you're rarely alone. If someone is always there, there's always someone to conjure up dirt about you. Pair up with enough people and suddenly you've got a jury out against you.
    1 point
  8. And it's not spying if someone else plants the cameras. Your thoughts are not private, and are being monitored, you can and will be punished, is some of the effect. I think it was strongly implied as well that everyone's thoughts will be revealed at the Bema as well. It implies your relationship with God and yourself is an open book. It implies leadership has special favor with God over the follower. It implies you are too inept to make your own decisions and your thoughts need monitoring. It encourages people, both leader and follower, to act like bumbling idiots.
    1 point
  9. Oh, no DWBH ... I never took any personal offense at what you posted. I was referring to when Twinky talked about me having "Waybrain" just because I framed my question based on what we were taught in TWI about cancer being caused by devil spirits ... which I have not believed for quite a while. I always understand where you are coming from, DWBH ... Love and peace to you, too.
    1 point
  10. "Hey, gang! We have a new class and it's D.O.A.!" Heh. How much more appropriate can it get?
    1 point
  11. Well.....it is finished! And what a feat of personal believing and commitment it is. One for the ages ya know. JCDOA is in the can! Here's jally francencough's version of how great jallyroll was and is: "My heartfelt thanks goes to each of these stalwart saints, with whom I now have a special bond. And when you see the finished product, which we hope to have by sometime in early November, I think you will agree that, by the abundant grace and mercy of our Father and our Lord, we succeeded. Jesus Christ: The Diameter of the Ages looks to be about 18 hours of priceless truth presented dynamically, poignantly, and humorously, while being enhanced by Franco Bottley’s heart-grabbing graphics and versatile use of state-of-the-art technology. I think you will love it!" "We began each day with prayer, manifestations, and inspiring music (which JCDA will contain LOTS of). We prayed for each person who was praying for us, and if you are among them, and if you are among those who contributed financially to this project, THANK YOU! We could not have done what we did without the prayer support we had.We had an absolute riot! The blood test I had on July 20, the day after I got home, showed that my numbers (RBC, WBC, Platelets) are all down, meaning I have less energy, so I know it was their love, plus God, Jesus, your prayers, two oxygen tanks (free, courtesy of Marc’s doctor friend) the Bemer electromagnetic circulation stimulator (courtesy of Daniel), a throat steamer (courtesy of Christina), MRET water, Marigold bars, Epic meat bars, and Dana’s foot rubs that energized me to get through a rather grueling endeavor. THANK YOU for praying for Franco and me as we put the finishing touches on this vivid portrayal of the most unique man ever." WOW! What a faithful moggie! Even better than his faddah-in-da-woid. What a hero ! What a fantastic bible salesmen to the glory of his own narcissistic personality disorder. I knew it would be self-obsessed and self-aggrandizing, but it has far exceeded my expectations. More of the same old cult tripe that's going on 50 years old now. Is this gonna be it? I sure hope so! There are already enough destructive JBS, right wing "Christian" nutjob cults out there. Does jeeezus really need or want yet another one? Your opinions, comments, or snide remarks are welcome.
    1 point
  12. I firmly believe that exposure of the self-serving VPW offshoot minustrays is necessary. They are every bit the destructive cults that dictor's Way was. Jallyroll, "rev" gerry wrenn, "rev" earl burton, "rev" joooorrrrge hendley, Jim melton, geer, seed, professor von schoenheit, "Dr." dale sides, "levitical rabbi" michael rood awakening, maurice goulet, dandy don alexander, sha-na-nandra higgins, franco bottley, JP Wierwille and super-secret-double-agent "rev" douggie macmullan at SOWERS, "rev" beence finnegan and his fake kingdom cult, living hope ministries int'l, "rev" charlie "bless patrol" quillen in IL, "rev" franklin smith, and the scores of other waybrained wierwille worshippers with their own slimeball minustrays to beg for their retirement of easy donation living......LOL. That's the purpose of these offshoot subforums. Inform, expose, drain donations. These megalomaniacs and paranoid narcissists need to held to account. Thankfully, GSC provides an extremely important venue for exposing these cults.
    1 point
  13. I continue to posit that TLTF and jally francencough teach and practice anti(against)-Christ Pauline dominated spiritualism. Again, words carefully and purposefully chosen for clarity and context for this thread. Counterpoint opinions and snide remarks welcome........lol.
    1 point
  14. It is good to see you as well. We are doing well. Sometimes life gives you a setback, but then usually a chance to get even-keeled again and maybe advance a bit before the next crisis comes along. We have been very active in community, we both serve on the board of Cooperative Extension Service. We spend a lot of time in helping new farmers to get established in farming. We have been attended a Way fellowship right up until this past Spring. But a number of things they began doing bugged us. They had been real good in rotating who gets to share teachings. While most were just canned stuff from the Way Mag or Sunday night service, they were excited to see actual original Word Studies being done and taught. So it was fun for us. But in the last year, that all changed. Leadership felt they needed to give more teaching opportunities to those who have the greatest problems. Then the guy with the most problems was going to become the new fellowship coordinator. We had a peaceful conversation and explained that we were no long blessed to be attending full time. No harsh words were spoken, we parted on good terms. Then a couple of the believers told us privately that we are to be shunned now. So we are done with it. We are both attending different multi-church Bible study groups, and that is working out well for us.
    1 point
  15. How 'bout a round of cappuccino for everyone…. ….and I snuck in some Saint Brendan's Irish Cream in case anyone wants to jazz it up
    1 point
  16. The other day I watched a movie on hulu that goes a long way in showing LGBTQ people as genuine people. It won the Palm d'Or at Cannes a couple of years ago, it was that well done. The English title is Blue is the Warmest Color. It took me several years after TWI before I began to realize gays were genuine people with legitimate humanity and human qualities.
    1 point
  17. Hi folks! The rabidly insane hatred for and constant hatespeech toward the LGTBQ community from the bowels of the "biblical research" moggies and moggettes of TWIt goes back to dictor Paul's days in Lindbergh's America First pro-fascism movement of the late 30's and early 40s here in the USA. Once dictor's inbred Naziism found its political validation in the John Birch Society, his hatreds were now "politically correct" as well as "approved of gawd". The Advanced Class was the breeding swamp for dictor's most personal peccadilloes of hate and sexual perversion. That's where he repeatedly browbeat his students into accepting his utter disdain for psychiatry, psychology and LICSW professional, medical couselling and science. He went on to nastily relegate the entire field and all its practitioners and patients to having been "born in a seance". All patients and practitioners were proclaimed to be possessed and only dictor had the rightly-divided answers and the "power" they contained. Cancer? Debbil spurts. Homos? Debbil spurts. Freud? Seed boy. Psychiatry? Born in a seance. Depression? Debbil spurts. Murder? Debbil spurts. The Pope and all the "top leaders" of ALL religions on Earth especially Christianity? ALL seed boys and girls. US Democrats, Liberals, Commie-pinko-socialists, hippies, civil and women's rights advocates.....all possessed or influenced by debbil spurts. Dictor spent the vast majority of his AC teaching minus-tray glorifying and describing and defining da Debbil, Satan, da Adversary, Beelzebub, Baal and all the various types of Debbil spurts of "possession and oppression" than he ever spent on the earthly life of Jesus Christ. heard of. The great attitude Vic built his personal mission on was NOT the love of Christ, but rather the fear of Satan. Christ was unavailable for fellowship or even being prayed to. He was ABSENT and dictor convinced his followers that he and his moggies took His, Christ's place! How anti-Christ can ya get?? JC's work and life were not enough. He's gone. I'm here in his place so I can do the job correctly until gawd sez it's done and then JC will come do the mop-up and hand out the piñatas. That's rightly divided??....LMFAO! Then, dictor is replaced by da forehead. Things go from depraved pathology to the truly bizarre! The okie doofus gave the god of this world far more than his just desserts. He made him the center of TWIt policy, activity, purpose and personal calling. Spirits in The Athlete epitomized da forehead's toddler-like understanding of the Bible. It was the child of the childmind of the fallen prince.....a deranged DVD of the bible fantasies of the dancing pwesident of TWIt......a view into the truly disturbed fantasy world in which da forehead reigned supreme......until reality came crashing down on craigie's camelot. How ironic it was that King okie, who cancelled the ROA and the WOW program because of "homo infiltration", was married to the lesbian lover of his future successor Rosie of Crotchaven during the entire time of the various homo purges conducted by ignatius Loy-ola De Martindale.. A faithful 4th corpse slut who allowed her faddah in da woid to arrange her marriage to the next pwesident of TWIt. Now that worked out just great didn't it Donna? After all those times you went down on vic's notably undersized manhood? That's all ya got??! Not as far as you and Rosie were concerned! But, you two had the dumbest jock on Earth getting all the "revelation" so you and Rosie were quite safe!.....LOL! You had King Doofus the Okie to cover all your tracks with his Sasquatch-sized footprints. Methinks he did protest too much, eh Billy Shakes? The visceral hatred of all things LGBTQ is an integral part of the TWIt DNA. It will be found in every offshoot as well with equal and sometimes harsher rhetoric and fervor. TLTF, STFI, "Rev" gerry wrenn's TWIt redux, et al. They all promote anti-Christ hatespeech and "doctrines of Devils". They are all neo-Nazi John Birch Society devotees as was their faddah-in-da-woid. Anti(against)-Christ, Anti-Semitic, blatantly racist, anti-LGBT haters just like the Westboro Baptist Church and the Phelps' of Topeka. It's in their DNA. They cannot help it. Hate lives deeply in their blood and they just must reproduce what their DNA demands. LGBTQ humans are just that......HUMAN BEINGS! They are not diseased dogs who must be euthanized like Hitler wanted. Christ died FOR ALL THAT WHOSOEVER WILL MAY COME UNTO HIM AND BE SAVED. No authentic Christian will hate anyone for whom Christ died. There are no exceptions to "whosoever"! There are no qualifiers. The Boss don't check between your legs to save ya. Why should some numbnuts RWCNJ.....right wing Christian nutjob.....decide that's her/his job?? Love is the fulfilling of the Law Jesus said. Not sexual preference or gender identity, or skin color, or spiritual beliefs, or the 2nd Amendment, or ethnicity or cultural heritage. LOVE. Unconditional, unrelenting, unswerving, indefatigable, hopeful and truthful......LOVE. You RWCNJs love your pets more than your fellow humans. You treat your dogs with more respect and concern. The words of Mohandas K. Gandhi come to mind....."I love your Jesus. It's your Christians I find troublesome". Thank God Jesus was not a religious leader.............peace.
    1 point
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