Ya know.........as much as these vain babblers say they live to serve Christ by His grace and mercy, TWIt-n-vic, TLTF, STFI, wrenn, SOWERS, finnegan, rood, sides, et al, they, more than any other Christians I know of, are among the most works oriented bible idolaters on the planet. EVERYTHING in life, death, and in between has to to with their forged and foibled "Written Word of God". They even teach Jesus Christ only had "the written word" (The Old Testament) to go on for everything he said and did always. Nothing works in their ritualistic, over-structured "minustray" without the bibliolatry DPW ingrained in them. "The word, the word, and nothing but the word!"
The entire context of jally's new piffle redux, JCDOA, is all wierwilleism and other smarmy bible-crap. And, it's all based on what YOU DO, or don't do according to da woid. God is completely limited by your "believing action" just like he was in TWIt. God is not in control! Either the debbil is or YOU are, BY YOUR CHOICE. So, your will trumps God's will, because no matter what, YOU must not blame God for YOUR defects in faith and practice. It's YOUR fault not His.
Works get you "rewards(or not sic!) at da bema. If YOU don't do what THEY say Da Woid says you must do you lose. There's more to their eternal life than just making it to paradise. You got to make God's work in and through Christ and the salvation They accomplished better! You gots to get rewards for following Christ. How do you get them? Not by how much word you know but how much word YOU DO......WORKS. It's all up to the choices YOU make. God and Christ are powerless unless YOU choose to believe jally's version of da Woid. WOW! What an insult to God and His Son, IMO.
That must be why jally's latest WWF "teaching" is all about how suffering is the key to good Christian character and victorious living. How's that working for ya jally?