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  1. Yeah – I can understand that….it may be a little off topic but my dogs are definitely mind readers and manipulators; if they see me put on running shoes they go crazy because they know they’re getting a walk; Tonto and I have to spell out certain words because the dogs recognize them and get crazy excited: “Hey Babe, want me to let the dogs O – U – T one more time before we go to bed?” or “want to take the dogs for a W – A – L – K ?” If we start packing for a trip the dogs act a little nervous because they know something is up. If they want to get fed earlier than the usual late afternoon time – they start acting super cute and cuddly. If they want some attention or want to play they’re all over us on the coach while we’re trying to watch TV. I just know my dogs are into all that powers of the mind stuff…one day I just happened to walk in on them doing their yoga routine – who knows what else they’re up to when we’re not around. PS - here's a tip for all you folks wanting to get a pet; NEVER get a pet that is smarter than you....you've been warned.
    2 points
  2. What a difference 45 years makes. I believe it is very possible to read people. What does that mean? Telepathy? Not really. But still, to a degree, we can and often do figure out what others' intentions, attitudes, feelings and even thoughts are before they are articulated verbally. But it's neither hooky-spookism nor godly revelation. From Psychology Today, There's plenty of research that has been done on Social Intelligence. I cannot recall whether anyone formally or informally taught or even just talked about any concept like this when I was a young wayfer. But I now believe that the intuitiveness that I then thought was akin to revelation from God is related to social and emotional intelligence. It's really not all that mystical (anymore).
    1 point
  3. Very interesting topic. Thanks Bolshevik! i never bought vic's anecdotal yet "god breathed" evidence of any of the manifestations. Why? Because I "grew up in da Woid" under a couple of Steves who had it goin' on with Jesus Christ ! And, those Steves were Perez and Heefner, and, imho, they were both and each the "real deal" along with their spouses, Laurie P., and Sandi H. And, under THEIR genuine "ministries", I was won to Christ and became a dedicated and bold disciple. Piffle was merely a class....a biblical proof that the Word was right and righteous! The real movement of God, through Christ, via holy spirit was what was happening every night in fellowships around NYC and LI. There was no stoopeed, hokey dictor paul contaminating the revival by Christ that was crashing through the northeast and every other part of the 1970 USA. That WAS God and The Boss, JC, doing their thing among the idealistic hippies of the late 60s. DPW lucked out enough to catch that wave with a BG-Bullinger board and a load of bullshit that was perfect for his day and time and hour....LOL! What an absolute fraud! Even in the first AC I took, in Rye, NY in March, 1972, I never bought the John Noble anti-Beatles BS, or the "all psychiatry was born in a seance" garbage. I knew better, both intellectually and experientially, thanks to the Perezes, and the Heefners, along with my medical and nursing training. Carrying this internal conflict and cognitive dissonance was for me, the single most personal betrayal of self I ever committed in my life. I thankfully have both made amends to those I have hurt, and repented before the Lord Jesus Christ and those whom I have harmed, asking, and receiving their forgiveness......for which I am unspeakably thankful and duly responsible.
    1 point
  4. As someone in TWI from 1970-1987, I can say I never heard "mind reading" put that way or taught that way by any Way leader, including VPW. I never feared or hoped that any Way leader could read my thoughts. In fact, during the time I was preparing my escape from HQ, I was VERY thankful none of them could read my thoughts. What I remember being taught was that when a healer laid hands on you to heal you, God would tell them what was wrong with you. As the healer prayed for you aloud, you'd hear the diagnosis then, and the conclusion of the session was the healer saying you were healed in the name of Jesus Christ. Now, if you ask me today what I make of this mind reading issue, I'll say I believe our thoughts are private. Sometimes, when we are on the same "wavelength" with another person close to us, we may "think the same thing at the same time." But I don't believe that is mind reading. Of course, just because I believe or do not believe something does not make it true or untrue. I must test my ideas against evidence. I can believe the moon is made of cheese but then there's some evidence I must contend with that points to the contrary. The mind is a mysterious thing ... one of my favorite writers is William James, author of The Variety of Religious Experience. Now THAT'S a mind blowing read!
    1 point
  5. Heeeerrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeee's Johnny! And Therrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeee's the stop button on my YouTube player!
    1 point
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