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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/26/2016 in all areas

  1. "I could care less whether you are or aren't moved in any way to investigate the matter further, or what you think of it." In other words, you don't really have anything to offer in this regard. "Look it up yourself." doesn't really cut it. "If you can't define pistis, faith, or believing (which doesn't seem to have been done here, that I can see), then how the heck do you know what criteria is or isn't consistent, and does or doesn't indicate it's a law? That's not a fact, Jack. It's just plain Sally silly." It doesn't matter one bit whether I or anyone else can give a definition of pistis that will suit you. It's not necessary for the purposes of defining a law. Believing is supposed to be a law, remember? ("God would have to change the laws of the universe"/"Works for saint and sinner, alike."....VPW) Since you're a fan of the internet, here is something pretty basic that might help you as you search it out yourself: WIKI "A physical law or scientific law is a theoretical statement "inferred from particular facts, applicable to a defined group or class of phenomena, and expressible by the statement that a particular phenomenon always occurs if certain conditions be present."
    1 point
  2. waysider: You can't cause something to happen merely by thinking about it. Nor can you prevent something from happening merely by thinking about it. Thoughts do not change anything in the physical world. TLC: I dunno, wayside. Quantum physics is weird, and at times might seem to somewhat disagree with that. Please enlighten me how quantum physics disagrees with my statement. waysider: The so-called law of believing is, in fact, not a law at all. TLC: Do you have proof and/or facts to support that? Do you have proof or facts to support its reality? If it was a law, it would have a consistent, predictable outcome when applied. Mix 2 parts hydrogen with 1 part oxygen or drop something off a building. We know what will happen in both cases. It's consistent and predictable. You can't change the outcome of either event by virtue of your thoughts.
    1 point
  3. What interests me is how people can or cannot change, how willing people are (or not) to adapt to a changing situation. Nothing is permanent. Everything changes. This is a fact of life known since the beginning of time. So, I'm asking Johniam, so what if DWBH wrote in a way that praised VPW in that book, The Living Word Speaks? (I have a copy). That was then. This is now. Over time he changed his views. He woke up. Like many of us here. So what that I wrote a Way magazine article long ago that encouraged people to study PFAL as if it contained THE WORD OF GOD . That was then. Over time I changed my mind after I gained new information. I woke up. Life is a journey. Some people change when they learn new information, new facts, have experiences that show them the error of their ways or that something better for them awaits. I suspect that it is hard for others not to change when new facts and understanding comes to them is because there is some kind of payoff for holding onto the old view. Or they fear what will happen if they change. i.e. they might look bad in other people's eyes. Let's celebrate the fact we can change, learn, grow and not be ashamed of the process. Someone recently tried to intimidate me about my upcoming book, saying it seemed I was proud that it took me 17 years to realize I was in the wrong place (TWI) for me. Proud? That seemed odd to me. It's simply a fact of my life that I was in TWI for 17 years. I often state that fact because for outsiders, it indicates I was not a casual believer and may offer some genuine insight on the subject. So, using an example (citing what DWBH wrote long ago) of what someone said or wrote long ago as a way to discredit what they say today disallows the reality that people can evolve and change. Thank goodness we can. Just sayin'.
    1 point
  4. :offtopic:/> Sorry... meanwhile back to our regularly scheduled discussion of Wierwille's plagiarism.
    1 point
  5. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/kQFKtI6gn9Y?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
    1 point
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