I heard a wonderful teaching yesterday. The preamble to it was the adage "hate the sin; love the sinner"; but it went on to describe HOW to do that. Certainly, Jesus had no problem spelling out for the Pharisees exactly what he thought of them, but how different his "tone" was in dealing with the woman caught in adultery. Her sin was not in question. The Law concerning the subject was clear. But Jesus dealt with her with great compassion. The point of the teaching is that we need to BE JESUS to people, especially at critical points in their lives. I think that that principle applies to posting as GSC, as well. In general, we should be loving to the others, even if they seem to be obstinate and wrong-headed. There may be times, though, when a stronger "tone" is appropriate. When Jesus let the Pharisees have it, it wasn't for the Pharisees' sakes (they weren't going to change), but for those "lurking."
PS. Part of the problem has been the removal of the politics thread. Now GSCers have no place to call each other Denebian Slime Worms, and get away with it.