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  1. Hello all. I know it is difficult to believe. It is perversely surreal. It is utter, meaningless, powerless, narcissistic drivel. Yet.....here we go again! Another PIFFLE redux, the 4th or 5th now, this time screaming and smirking its Dr.Seuss nonsensical trash in the title of jalvis: the diameter of the ages. Oh, excuse me, Jesus Christ: DOA. Yup! You guessed it. Yet more garbage from the tower of Babble in IN, TLTF. More of the "foundational class" which will accomplish remarkably even less than the first one you took from dictor paul. It'll change your life, in every possible non-beneficial, intellectually vapid, spiritually empty and antisocial WAY possible. Just when you thought you were out......their demented, malignant, paranoid narcissism tries to tell you about what you absolutely don't need, in this our day, and time, and hour, and minute, and second. Jallyroll and Franco have been fighting da Debbil for 5 years making this crap up! It's gonna be yet another most significant event "in all Christendom". They're going through everything but crucifixion for YOU! Heroes for geeezus and gawd. Beaters of Satan and all the billions of daimon, daimonion, and Muslims and Mexicans out there tryin' to possess ya! Teaching you the Adolph Birch Society version of dictor paul's paranoid, self-obsessed, interpretation of Bullinger, Stiles, Leonard, and a score of others from whom he has blatantly plagiarized EVERYTHING he ever wrote! Now we have yet another jallyroll version of his interpretation of dictor's interpretation of all the folks dpw stole from. How great for their debbils, huh?.........LOL! Of course, all world current events are (and have been for years) orchestrated by da Debbil to thwart jally's efforts to promote himself and his POS minustrays as the new Dictor! The Oando murders of 50 people with hundreds wounded was not carried out by any old Islamic terrorist latent homosexual. Nope! It was da Debbil himself trying to distract or imps the most significant "teaching" found nowhere else in Christendom. What about Dallas? Baton Rouge? Minneapolis? That thinking is even more sociopathically narcissistic then Herr Drumpff! On this thread, I'm going to post excerpts from the last two TLTF newsletters. You decide for yourself how valueless they are. Comments and counterpoints are welcome. "As you know if you read these monthly communiqués, and perhaps also watch our monthly “WWF” teachings, we plan to film our presentation titled Jesus Christ: The Diameter of the Ages from Monday, July 11 through Sunday, July 17 in Orlando FL. We expect the video to be about 20 hours. Between now and then I am immersing myself in developing the content of this unique production, which we are doing because we know of nothing in Christendom like what we will present. I am also working to rehab myself after last month’s hip replacement surgery, as well as aggressively continuing my naturopathic protocol to destroy the cancer that has been attacking me so that I have sufficient energy to film that many hours of teaching in one week." June, 2016 newsletter opening.
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  2. I'm not opposed to the notion of developing classes, but I am opposed to the notion of charging for them unless the recipient is getting something tangible in return or it's clear that we're paying for rented space. Or both. From my understanding of CES and, later, STFI, those who paid for the classes actually GOT the class. The whole set of tapes/CD's. That's fair. You're selling a product. But in the case of TWI and its offshoots, it really seems to me that these classes are less about teaching than they are about cultic-socialization and indoctrination. And yes, there's a difference. Teaching develops critical thinking skills. Indoctrination does not. TWI talked a good game when it came to critical thinking, but it was manipulated to the point that what we were actually taught and encouraged to do was parrot what the organization wanted us to think and say. Without exception, all of these "foundational classes," from PFAL to WAP to Whatever-the-devil-they're-calling-this, do not seek to teach as much as they seek to encourage group cohesion. Here's what to say. Here's how to say it. Here's what to think. Here's how to think it. Without exception, they all begin with their conclusion, and encourage us to disregard anything that challenges that conclusion. What's the greatest secret in the world today? The Bible is the revealed Word and Will of God. Really? That's the greatest secret in the world? Because if so, it's poorly kept. Lots of people believe that, whether they phrase it that way or not. Cures for cancer, ALS, autism, amputee regeneration? Not as secret as something believed by millions. Nonsense. And along with being the word and will of God, it's perfect! One preposition out of place and your Bible would fall to pieces (until a preposition is shown to be out of place. Then you're nitpicking). In any other field, if you start with your conclusion and discard anything that conflicts with it, you're an intellectual fraud. But when it comes to the Bible, you're steadfast! I attended a church in South Florida that never seemed to see a need to "run classes." If they wanted to start a class, they just started teaching on the subject every Sunday. Keep coming to church, and you've got the whole class. Yes, they recorded it, so if you wanted to see it all again, you could buy it later. But if you want to find the class from five years ago? Yeah, good luck with that. It shouldn't be about the classes. Ever. It should be about the content, which should be shared constantly. Anyway, good luck with this class, JALynn. I'm sure it will be an improvement over the last one, but not over the next one.
    1 point
  3. Here's the jallyroll manifesto for July, 2016. Just when you thought it could not get more bizarrely arrogant and self-serving......Oy vey! The New(?) Religion of Self-Fulfillment As you read this, I am immersed in preparing the content of this month’s landmark video production, Jesus Christ: The Diameter of the Ages, which I estimate to be about 20 hours of teaching. The only other things I am doing are sleeping and exercising to rehab my body after my May 2 hip replacement surgery, and eating as much as I can in order to regain the weight I lost as a result of that. On July 8, Elizabeth and I will head toward Orlando with a carload of clothes for the film. On Monday, July 11, we’ll be joined at GRP Studios by about 20 brethren from around the country for a day of set up, followed by six more of filming. Culminating in the past month, Franco Bottley and I have been poring over every aspect of this endeavor, and he is scrambling to put together the many, many graphics we will use in the video, along with a lot of music, some of which we are producing. Both of us are facing new challenges because, unlike how we did One Day With The Creator in 2011—with a physical set, JCDA will be filmed on a virtual set. We are counting on the Lord Jesus to work with us so that this presentation glorifies him to the max. Needless to say, given that the Devil is just hateful to begin with, and that the Lord Jesus Christ has announced his eventual destruction of said Creep, our Adversary absolutely hates this project and will do whatever he can to mess it up. So please cover us in prayer, as we really need that spiritual support. Pray for Franco’s health, for my energy level to be sufficient, for the health and safety of the crew, and for all of us who are involved to be inspired by the Lord so that every detail is the best. Hebrews 13:8 says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” For nearly 2000 years he has stood tall above all humanity as the constant epitome of godliness—ready, willing, and able to rescue everyone who calls out to him. For those floundering in the sea of human speculation and misery, he has been, and still is, the unwavering, absolute beacon of light, love, and truth to mankind. He is THE ONLY WAY, THE ONLY TRUTH, THE ONLY LIFE, and God proved that to all men when he raised him from the dead (Acts 17:31). Meanwhile, Satan’s systematic assault on the Word of God has resulted in Western culture in general now embracing the notion that there is no such thing as absolute truth. There is no objective truth, only subjective ideas, as each person supposedly “creates his own reality.” There is no black and white, only “50 shades of gray.” Georg Hegel, a 19th century German philosopher, played a large role in undercutting the very idea of truth itself. That might be because he was perturbed that his parents misspelled his first name. “Georg” proposed that there is merely a marketplace of ideas—thesis and antithesis—with each one competing for superiority. Out of this conflict comes a synthesis, which then becomes a thesis to be opposed by an antithesis, and this constant flux goes on, ad nauseam. My question is, “Who paid ‘Georg’ to sit around and come up with this malarkey?” Now known as “postmodernism,” this fallacy that each person creates his own reality is nothing more than man playing God, a la Genesis 3. As the Last Adam, Jesus Christ stands in stark contrast to the self-centered nature each of us inherited from the First Adam. Jesus changed Adam’s death-dealing, “I’ll do it my way” into a life-giving, “I’ll do it thy way.” And so, the supposedly “new” Religion of Self is actually 6000 years old. New research from The Barna Group shows that Christian morality is being ushered out of American social structures and off the cultural main stage, leaving a vacuum in its place—and the broader culture is attempting to fill the void. Barna's research reveals the degree to which Americans pledge allegiance to the “morality of self-fulfillment,” a new moral code that, as David Kinnaman, President of Barna argues, has all but replaced Christianity as the culture’s moral norm. The morality of self-fulfillment can be summed up in six guiding principles: The best way to find yourself is by looking within yourself. People should not criticize someone else’s life choices. To be fulfilled in life, you should pursue the things you desire most. The highest goal of life is to enjoy it as much as possible. People can believe whatever they want, as long as those beliefs do not affect society. Any kind of sexual expression between two consenting adults is acceptable. In his book, Good Faith: Being a Christian When Society Thinks You’re Irrelevant and Extreme, Kinnaman writes: “There is a tremendous amount of individualism in today’s society, and that’s reflected in the Church too. Millions of Christians have grafted New Age dogma onto their spiritual person. When we peel back the layers, we find that many Christians are using the way of Jesus to pursue the way of self…While we wring our hands about secularism spreading through culture, a majority of churchgoing Christians have embraced corrupt, me-centered theology.” Long before the mid-twentieth-century cartoon character, Pogo, memorably identified the problem of self: “We have met the enemy, and he is us,” Jesus Christ gave us the solution:
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  4. "BUT, God’s prototype man basically spit in his Creator’s face, not only breaking His heart, but also transferring his God-given dominion over the earth to God’s arch-enemy. That one act set in motion an absolute horror show that continues to this very day, as Satan uses wicked spirits and wicked people to exert the dominant influence on earth and ravage humanity moment by moment (1 John 5:19). Adam’s disobedience also activated God’s Plan B (or “J”), another Adam. Despite fallacious Trinitarian rhetoric to the contrary (“God had to become a man in order to save mankind”), The Man was the only solution to the problem of sin and death brought on by a Man. Because the first human caused the problem, only another human could legally solve it and satisfy God’s requirements for justice (Rom. 5:12-21)." This is 5 paragraphs into the 15 or 16 verbose paragraphs jally refers to as "Christianity 101". It is a lengthy l, Aesop's Fables/Grimms Fairy Tales version into the demented childlike fantasies jally believes the Bible "teaches". Very condescending to even the average 6th grade intellect. In a later paragraph in his fairytale, jally states the following: "God made Jesus genetically flawless". Continuing the myth that only male sperm contains the genetic codes used in the formation of the human bloodstream according to dpw's great knowledge of human genetics. I use this example to highlight the fact that there are scores of assumptions, presumptions, "definitions", and plagiarized commentaries which jally, in the footsteps of his faddah-in-da-woid, simply rewrites with absolutely no references or credit to the authors and sources he plagiarizes. "This really means this, and that actually says that just because I say so." Examples? 1)"Satan uses wicked spirits and wicked people to exert the dominant influence on earth and ravage humanity moment by moment." Oh really??? Says who? Oh yeah, dpw's interpretation of B.G.'s private interpretation of the "Holy Spirit field". LOL! So, a "minus-tray" which supposedly exists to glorify God and geeezus by "rightly dividing" the Bible MSS and texts, boldly declares that SATAN IS AND HAS BEEN THE DOMINANT INFLUENCE ON THE PLANET EARTH SINCE GENESIS 3:15!!! How glorious, eh??? Ravaging mankind moment by moment since shortly after its inception by jally's huuuge but limited-by-our-free will thoughts and beliefs to doing only what we demand he do? Does this jerk ever read what he writes??? He says this all "continues to this day"! You're still preaching dictor's "advanced class" which was blatantly stolen word for word from B.G. Leonard??! You still believe this tripe? You have people pay you to produce these fairytales so you and francough can put your narcissism on DVD?? P.T. Barnum sure was correct. 2) "God made Jesus Christ genetically flawless so he could have the perfect blood needed to undo da debbil's victory over Adam, and blah blah blah, yada yada yada, doowop ramma lamma dingdong........" Again more tripe trash from the moggie dictor based on his complete ignorance of human genetics and gestation. I refer you to the current PBS series, "The 9 Months That Made You". That proves scientifically, and visually that that whole perfect sperm thing is totally false. Half of JC's genetic makeup came from Mary. That applies to EVERY PART OF HIS PHYSICAL BODY, including His blood. Puhleeze TLTF. Stop the .... and blatant falsehoods and lies. At least graduate from your elementary school fairytale fantasies invoking gawd and Jesus. Aren't there Debbil spurts that do all that???
    1 point
  5. More from the first three paragraphs of jally/francs June, 2016 newsletter: "Our producer, director, and video editor for JCDA is Franco Bottley, who did such a fabulous job five years ago on One Day With The Creator and The End Times. You may know about the physical challenge he has been dealing with for several years, which has severely hampered his ability to sit at the computer and do his graphic arts work. Last month a world-class doc told him that his only option now is a major surgery to fuse three vertebrae in his neck, but he continues to search for other means. Of course, we know that his best option is a miracle healing by the Great Physician, for which we are diligently praying. Franco says he will be able to direct the filming of JCDA, but that in his present condition he cannot do the large amount of post-production editing." "Franco and I have decided that if we each have breath in us, we will “get the film in the can” next month, and go from there as the Lord opens the doors. If he still needs surgery, he will have it right after the filming, and do the editing after he recuperates. We need your fervent prayer in order to pull off this ambitious endeavor. Our goal is to embrace the heart of our Savior and re-present as much of it as we can in this teaching, to the end that those who experience it will ever more deeply know, love, and serve the magnificent Son of God. In that vein, let’s look at a brief “Christianity 101” overview. Please pass this on to anyone you know who would benefit from it." Wow! 3 paragraphs so far and The Boss' name doesn't show up until the 2nd to last sentence of the third paragraph. Yup! They have their priorities straight alright. Refuse the best medical advice in order to embarrass gawd further by His failure to deliver you two prayshuss moggies. Oh yeah.....we know it's YOUR fault because you just ain't believin' huh? Whose the center of your meaningless prayers boyz???
    1 point
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