Excellent posts you all!
Anyone reading these facts and truths about rosie rivenbark's way international knows more than enough to turn your life from the frenetic activity of accomplishing absolutely nothing for God or mankind or even one single neighbor. Rosie and Donna have hijacked the death spiral cult "founded" by dictor paul w. They kicked the hapless, ignorant, malignant paranoid narcissist, da forehead in leotards, out of his kingdom, took the 64 million vic amassed in the late 70s and early 80s, and keep their neo-Nazi war machine chugging along as if nothing were wrong. Kinda like, "We're all gone now", or "we're loving and moving da woud just like we used to." BWWAAAHAHAHA!
Back to the zombie apocalypse of way corpse and wows, now called "disciples". Their "minus-tray" remains toxic and deadly to human life as intended by the very God they disgrace every second their doors or microphones are open. Add the morons jallyroll lynn, professor Ludwig Von schoenheit, "rev" gerry overschmaltz wrenn, smarmy nostalgia to the nth degree. There are scores more of these wierwillized zombies brought to the bloody troughs of various TWIt spawn "ministries".
Listen to the wise words of SkyRider, Rocky, waysider, T-bone, and Penworks. Get out now! Cut those constricting tentacles of ignorance, arrogance, and slow painful life-drain that these liars and thieves have to offer. Your "abundant living" is a sham cult. It's run by a woman whose psychopathologies are totalist control over everything she sees as her own, including the private lives and personal preferences of all the zombies who allow rosie and her donna to intrude into every detailed nook and cranny of peoples' personal lives and tell them what to do and how to think.
It worked real well for Rosie's 2nd son, Jim Shumate, who was with rosie during her in-rez years in the 2nd family corpse. If he's still alive in prison where he was sent for murder and armed robbery, you've got a perfect example of how you turn out when your forced to live rosie's Way. There are dead people thanks to da forehead and rosie, and dictor paul, and coward allen, married to donnie wierwille's widow, wanda. They live the life of Reilly for free at Gunnison, as twustee emeritae. Still living off of dictor's stolen ABS. Still ruining peoples' lives and families and futures. LISTEN! Leave! Love yourselves and your families.