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  1. “The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones.” William Shakespeare---- Julius Caesar (Act 3/Scene 2)
    1 point
  2. I didn't consult him at all. However, I think his "problem" with what you posted was what he said. He claimed that he had to get through "vitriolic spew you start off with" to get to your point. Perhaps that's overstating the case, but your first paragraph really DID go off on a tear with the colorful language you used to describe vpw's felonies and misdemeanors. It was a bit of work to get through it- and that's coming from someone who agreed with every word but might not have piled all of them together in that particular post. It's one thing to be antagonistic towards vpw who did all those things. It's another to be antagonistic towards other posters. I don't fault you for having strong feelings but the people who disagree with you have them also, and there's no need to descend into name-calling (from anyone.) You're an adult and can choose to dial it back a bit whenever you want.
    1 point
  3. Giving plenty of leeway to "VP's labor".......I would tend to classify it in four categories: 1)Classes (namely PFAL), 2)WOW and Corps programs (others as well), 3)Rock of Ages and 4)Staffed Headquarters. And further, as you noted T-Bone.....was there light in PFAL? Was there power to overcome darkness? If so, then why did Joan Williams succumb to ending her life less than 6 months after taking PFAL? Mrs. Wierwille details in her book "despondence over a relationship and her cultural background"...... Joan's suicide was the first one in wierwille's upstart ministry in 1957......4 months after moving off church payroll. Joan is pictured 4 times in Mrs. Wierwille's book. Dr. I.S. Williams opened every door he could for wierwille in India. Joan was in the first international PFAL class in 1957.......where was the spiritual overseer, wierwille??? This tragic suicide should have been a 4-alarm bell to wierwille's spiritual alertness/oversight or lack thereof??? So, what about VP's "labor" again? Was it just to get students thru the classes and move on? This precious daughter didn't have enough "light" from pfal to ward off an ending relationship? Or......what about that all-mighty revelation that the "man of god" walks with every day? pppfftt. I don't know.....guess it just frosts me to think that this precious daughter's suicide didn't send wierwille to his knees and humble his freakin' arrogance. Sheeesh. A precious "little lamb" is slain nearby, and yet.....the "man of gawd" is busy patting himself on the back for putting together such an incredible class that its light penetrates all the darkness around it. ppfffttt. Well....it didn't help her to overcome, now did it?
    1 point
  4. Excellent posts you all! Anyone reading these facts and truths about rosie rivenbark's way international knows more than enough to turn your life from the frenetic activity of accomplishing absolutely nothing for God or mankind or even one single neighbor. Rosie and Donna have hijacked the death spiral cult "founded" by dictor paul w. They kicked the hapless, ignorant, malignant paranoid narcissist, da forehead in leotards, out of his kingdom, took the 64 million vic amassed in the late 70s and early 80s, and keep their neo-Nazi war machine chugging along as if nothing were wrong. Kinda like, "We're all gone now", or "we're loving and moving da woud just like we used to." BWWAAAHAHAHA! Back to the zombie apocalypse of way corpse and wows, now called "disciples". Their "minus-tray" remains toxic and deadly to human life as intended by the very God they disgrace every second their doors or microphones are open. Add the morons jallyroll lynn, professor Ludwig Von schoenheit, "rev" gerry overschmaltz wrenn, smarmy nostalgia to the nth degree. There are scores more of these wierwillized zombies brought to the bloody troughs of various TWIt spawn "ministries". Listen to the wise words of SkyRider, Rocky, waysider, T-bone, and Penworks. Get out now! Cut those constricting tentacles of ignorance, arrogance, and slow painful life-drain that these liars and thieves have to offer. Your "abundant living" is a sham cult. It's run by a woman whose psychopathologies are totalist control over everything she sees as her own, including the private lives and personal preferences of all the zombies who allow rosie and her donna to intrude into every detailed nook and cranny of peoples' personal lives and tell them what to do and how to think. It worked real well for Rosie's 2nd son, Jim Shumate, who was with rosie during her in-rez years in the 2nd family corpse. If he's still alive in prison where he was sent for murder and armed robbery, you've got a perfect example of how you turn out when your forced to live rosie's Way. There are dead people thanks to da forehead and rosie, and dictor paul, and coward allen, married to donnie wierwille's widow, wanda. They live the life of Reilly for free at Gunnison, as twustee emeritae. Still living off of dictor's stolen ABS. Still ruining peoples' lives and families and futures. LISTEN! Leave! Love yourselves and your families.
    1 point
  5. Hi, I'm writing this to anyone considering whether to break ties with TWI: please keep reading threads like this at this website. The Way sub-culture that Skyrider describes is real. It was real for hundreds of us, especially those of us in the Way Corps who gave everything to Wierwille's perverted, narcissistic, dangerous-thinking goal of Word over the world. During my 17-year experience in TWI, I came to see (especially while on the research team) that there was no "Word" as VPW described it and no realistic way to "move it over" the entire world. That goal was an hallucination that emanated from a sick mind full of dangerous ideas. Think about it. The Way ministry running the world! VPW's teachings dominating everyone's thoughts? Plagiarized books with VP's name on them for sale in every town? Yikes! The idea that we knew more of "the Word" than anyone else on the planet was very silly indeed. (that's an understatement in case you're wondering). Besides, who wants to live in a world where everyone thinks and behaves the exact same way? That is the farthest thing from democracy that there is! That's a nightmarish world of science fiction. So, TWIexit as soon as possible. You'll be glad you did, no matter how difficult exiting might be for you. You can find support here. You can search for resources at places like the International Cultic Studies Association. Check out some of these videos: https://www.youtube....1HtMvoa8kRcLcig Cheers, Penworks
    1 point
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