Hi BlueCord. Welcome to the Greasespot!......Best site on the web for accurate, proven, and even publicly adjudicated FACTS on TWIt and all its pathological "trustees", from dictor paul to Rosie the riveter. Malignant paranoid narcissists, serial rapists and sexual predators, drunks, neo-Nazis and pathological liars.
You have yet to come to grips with the fact that TWIt and EVERYTHING you and your wife have ever heard or "learned" from TWIt is false teaching and ALL of it is anti(against)-Christ. Jesus Christ has absolutely no place as the active Lord and Intercessor in ANY TWIt doctrine. There is no room for Christ in TWIt. They're all to busy trying to take the place of the absent Christ......and, He is indeed ABSENT from TWIt......with their private interpretation of their "Word"......plagiarized at its best from Bullinger, Stiles, Leonard, et al. You and your wife have been trained to allow TWIt doctrine to usurp your true identity in Christ. Heck!....you're not even allowed to pray to or have fellowship with the Author and Finisher of the faith which bears His name! Also, you have conditioned yourselves to trust no one outside TWIt's mogs and moggettes. They fear the Devil and his minions than they love the Boss, Jesus Christ. They are more consumed with their meaningless and fruitless "spiritual warfare against The Adversary" and all his constant attacks and conspiracies against them, than they are in a loving relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.
You have allowed yourselves to distrust everything, everyone, all the time.....especially those who question TWIt and their anti-Christ doctrine. They're all of the da Debbil or controlled by debbil spurts. You're either totally with them or you're with da debbil. Those Greasespotters are all bitter, angry, crazy or possessed. They're full of hate and vain babble. They're off da woid! Yeah well, welcome to REALITY! Hang in here for a while BlueCord. I think you'll feel at home quite soon. Trust in the Lord Jesus Christ, not the anti-Christ poison of TWIt. The Truth will make you free!..................peace.