BlueCord, I wish you and your wife well on your journey out of TWI. God bless and prosper you both.
At the Cafe, we're individuals with individual points of view. We are not TWI clones, all saying the same thing. Unless you are a VPW apologist (which you're not) your point of view is as valid as everyone else's. You can also expect your PoV to change over time.
VPW was dead before I got involved; I suffered under Pontius Martindale. :mad2:/>
For myself, when I first stumbled across this site, I was horrified, really horrified, at the things people were saying against this great ministry, TWI. How could people say such things? I was appalled at a number of levels. And yet... and yet... the stories people told had a strange coherency with my own experience. A strange ring of truth that was most disconcerting. As I continued to read here, I found that a lot of my suppressed concerns about TWI were voiced and the truth behind those concerns was articulated. I read with fascinated horror.
This site is one of the places that set me free from TWI lies.
Now, I enjoy exploring life with God and finding new ways to help and serve other people. Genuinely. No element of fear, or ostracism for non-compliance. I appreciate the wisdom of mature Christians from other strands of Christianity - and getting along with them without feeling I need to defend my PoV or be browbeaten by their PoV. Indeed, this very evening I've had a most interesting conversation with a deeply committed Trinitarian Christian and we can respect each others views of who Jesus Christ is (and how he came to be) and his gifts to us, and still learn from each other.
You and your wife please just put your confidence in God and in the Lord Jesus Christ to guide you through what may seem strange times, and lead you to a place of peace and rest and green pasture, where you can first rebuild yourselves and your relationships, and then go out with strength wherever your path may lead. We here will help you on your spiritual journey, but no-one will tell you where to go or what to think.
I'd like to extend a sincere invitation to your wife to join us and give voice to her legitimate concerns.
If she doesn't want to join as a cafe resident, she can come as a lurker and just see what we talk about. If she comes in to "drink the coffee" [sign in], she's welcome to argue about anything she chooses. :drink:/>