I'm sure it's been less than a decade.
However, in the past decade, my personal life has changed a lot.
Since that's my PERSONAL life and not my messageboard time, you won't read about
most of it here at all. What you CAN read I posted about 5 years ago.
(The thread's actually easy to find.)
Since twi hasn't changed much, the GSC shouldn't be expected to change much.
Since this board exists to "tell the other side of the story" (as you well know),
that's to be expected. People still leave twi, if in a trickle, and get on with their
lives. People still read and/or post here, then leave, and get on with their lives.
For which I say, congratulations! Another GSC success story!
From what little you posted, it wouldn't surprise me to hear you haven't changed
as much as the GSC has in the past decade. :)