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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/16/2016 in all areas

  1. It turns out, it might not be so good to be sure you "know that you know that you know". "Thoughts don't just flit around in our heads unobserved: humans know when something's going on in our own brains, and we evaluate our own thoughts. For example, we can judge when we're not certain about something, and act accordingly. This ability, called metacognition (thinking about thinking), has been found in a number of species, but humans are unusual in our ability to communicate what we know about our own thoughts and knowledge. How early in life do we develop metacognition? Children under the age of four, who confidently proclaim knowledge of things they can’t possibly know, seem to be pretty bad at it. Babies, on the other hand, point at things to ask questions about them. They shouldn't be able to do this unless they've worked out that they don't know something." Read more here: SOURCE
    1 point
  2. Rocky thanks for that link to magical thinking – I've bookmarked it so I can review it a few times – good stuff. VP's skewed version of Christianity was a lot about being in control and manipulating reality; I venture to say that the long term effect on his followers holding to such a mindset would be the followers becoming self-centered just like VP. One of the first non-Way books I read when I left TWI was Beyond Seduction by Dave Hunt. One of the finer points he made in the book got me thinking that maybe there was an insidious nature to certain TWI beliefs; in the book Hunt talked about self-centered belief systems that silence the God-given voice of conscience. link to Beyond Seduction book on Amazon In my opinion true Christianity is about submitting to the lordship of Jesus Christ. When I was in TWI, maybe I had some unarticulated idea of God as being something like a genie in the law-of-believing-bottle - - there to get me what I need or want. That's opposite of the idea in Matthew 22: 36-40 that Rocky referenced in post #1 – to love God and neighbor; I think those passages could be the official policies and procedures manual for authentic Christianity...genuine love is about giving and serving. == == == == Yeah – makes me think of the phrase "you can't have your cake and eat it too" or rather you can't have Christianity and live like the devil too. To paraphrase what I said above - VP's skewed version of Christianity was a lot about him being in control and manipulating Christianity! In other words, VP was in charge of his own religion....maybe a variation on a trinity - he was god, high priest, and devotee all rolled into one....which one ups "i am my own grandpa" ...."i am my own idol." == == == == VP was so obsessed with stuff from the John Birch Society, conspiracy theories, devil spirits, wrong seed boys, and every other covert group that densely populated his mental map of reality. I figure his paranoid delusional tendencies factor in there but also perhaps the idea that he could thwart these invisible enemies by the "power" of believing was comforting to him...and yeah maybe after an exhausting day on his imaginary battlefield, you'd think a tough old warrior should be entitled to a furlough so he can go do whatever he wants.
    1 point
  3. I apologize, but I just had to butt in. I clicked on a thread entitled, "Should Christians Vote". That thread was started by someone calling himself "teachmevp". I don't know teach, but all I have seen in response to the most OBVIOUS question, "vote on what?", is incomprehensible gobbledygook from teach, with no coherent response or answer to the simplest of questions. I'll admit I'm completely unfamiliar with whatever dimension teach is posting from. I don't read him much because I do not enjoy headaches or nausea. I mean crap like "Paul is fact". WTF? Any kind of rational, comprehensible explanation for exactly what a statement line that means??? Paul freaking who? Lynde? McCartney? Giamatti? Pope Paul VI? Ron Paul? Rand? Paul Merkel? Paul Pierce? I try to read teach's stuff with an open mind, but, like I said, I can't take the incomprehension required to make any sense out of the words he posts beyond his screen-name. However, teach......IMO, you are posting here at GSC for exactly what purpose? To keep your dead water-logged idol alive in the minds of people who despise everything he ever did? To keep his delusional, Aryan theologies and hatreds alive to hurt more sheep? What do you get out of your persona here? Identity? Purpose? Makes life more meaningful? Overcoming worry and fear? Increasing prosperity? Who in their right mind would choose "teachmevp" as the screen name at a website dedicated to telling the truth about Dictor Paul Wierwille? What is your POINT teach? Please! Finally! Spit it out! TY.
    1 point
  4. Beats me. I still can't figure out what he's talkin' 'bout, trying to say, or voting on...
    1 point
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