Rosalie Fox Rivenbark, to my knowledge, President of The Way International. AKA, Her Holy Q-Tip.
One time maybe ten years ago or more, during the noon meal, Rosie spoke at the lectern. Her topic was written, and she read her thoughts to us all.
I remember it because she spoke about a subject, a philosophical point I won't go in to. I remember looking for that topic in The Word. We were there to learn and do The Word, The President spoke about a topic, so I went to study and understand it for myself. To me, that was a logical, sensible, thing to do.
I never found that topic in The Word. I asked around a little, nobody else cared, I had to drop it. I probably would have asked Rosie herself, but that never happened, for one reason or another.
Recently, I heard the topic again. It didn't come from The Word. It came from Aristotle, I believe. I will never really know Rosie's source, she never told me.
My thoughts were, upon hearing this topic again, "OH . . . THAT'S where Rosie got this idea . . . so why didn't she just say that? It would have made things so much easier . . . oh . . . crap . . . . that F'king B'ch."
I thought about the time and energy I wasted searching for something that wasn't there. I thought about the recent Why Plagiarism Matters? and Wierwilleism's threads on GSC.
I think part of the point of those threads is that Wierwille wanted all sources of information to go through him. He would mention his sources later, but not until his followers identified that information with the name Wierwille and not someone else.
I will probably always think of Rosie when a certain topic, or word, is mentioned, because not only did I hear it from her first, but I put effort into trying to understand what SHE was talking about. A wasted endeavor, but an unintended lesson learned years later.
Victor Paul Wierwille was many folks' "Father in The Word" because he made sure information went through him. He made Himself the source. A lot of people associate a lot of information with Victor Paul Wierwille. I think a lot of those people guard the image of Victor Paul Wierwille because they associate so much of their thinking process with him. I imagine removing him from that pedestal comes at a great mental cost to those folks. That process is likely painful, if they choose to follow through with that.
Also, Rosie is a f'ching b'th. The internet needs to know.