Brilliant post, DWBH......thanks!
Through the years, I've thought about the strategy of pfal and how certain teaching points,
stories, or off-the-cuff zingers [ie....preemptive strikes] were strategically placed.
1) The mother feared the death of her little boy....and one day, it happened.
2) All the women in the kingdom.....belong to the king.
3) The town drunk who showed up at church....don't judge, you've never walked in his shoes.
4) If you go after the man of God....his life, his work, his tie....get down to bare facts.
5) I would need to read it line by line....before calling the great Apostle Paul a sex pervert.
6) Billboard sign -- millions now smoking.....subliminal message from a smoker?
Some things seemed like preemptive strikes....and other times, when he was dismissive of things,
he was simply ignoring it for reasons that railroaded his sociopathic agendas.