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  1. I second that motion! One interesting (to me anyway) side note on SIT. I took the FLAP class in June or July 1975. Just under two years earlier, I was in tech training at Keesler AFB, MS. I attended a charismatic fellowship during those months (was there about six months). During that time, they tried to help me SIT but I could never get it. I didn't realize how freakin' easy it was and that all I had to do was "start moving my lips, etc...." Don't be. You're human. That you are able to be aware of it and admit it demonstrates significant emotional intelligence.
    2 points
  2. I'm hesitant to post in this thread, not merely because I'm more intrigued by the doctrinal side of it, but also because I was somewhat taken back by the differences of experience with it in TWI. In brief, about all I knew about SIT prior to TWI is what I read of it in the Bible and that some people did it, that all should be able to, and that I wanted to. (I had never actually heard it.) About all it took was hearing two people in a believer's meeting (and seeing that each had their own unique tongue) to later that day lock myself in a closet (so to speak), pray to God for "the real deal" (in so many words), and then do it. What I did (and heard myself doing) then hasn't changed much in over 40 years. And to be honest about it, I don't believe that anything TWI (or anyone else) could, would or did do after that would ever persuade me any more (or any less) that it is not "the real deal." Because "that deal" always was, and still is, between me and God. And I don't believe He is an Indian giver. So I don't know, and can't say what others experienced. Other than, it looks like it may have different. (But I don't know.)
    1 point
  3. You're right. Samarin was a linguist. The terminology is indeed difficult because I think they are trying to differentiate between different elements that had all previously been lumped together. Everything was lumped under glossolalia with no distinction previously. I can appreciate the efforts to delineate. To me I would rather include the logic and detail in my consideration as opposed to censoring it because of some perceived bias. Some of my struggle in this discussion was trying to come up to speed on the whole field of linguistics. There still is a whole lot more there I don't know. Yes there are different definitions describing similar things that originate either from theology or linguistics. Some of the crossover can be confusing. There seemed to be a distinction and everything I learned about basic linguistics indicates an ability to phonetically compare languages by breaking down constructs similar to words and sentences. Linguistics shows a distinction between gibberish and SIT/.../... Yes we agree on this.
    1 point
  4. Your point outlines here besides the doctrinal ones seem pretty accurate to me. The doctrinal ones we are avoiding in this forum, and taking up in the Doctrinal if people want to discuss that. The positive way to state this point is that there is absolutely no way you could know the experiences in my life are fake. Your viewpoint is that all of us in TWI were faking it and we were duped. My viewpoint differs in that I agree with you that we were duped on this topic yet I still retain my childlike faith and view this as part of my relationship with my Savior, and that being much more important than "the gift" and "the operation of the gift". In fact I see teachings on "the gift" basically pointing towards yourself as the source of power. That's absolutely wrong. While I can understand your reaction to being duped, I think for me it is vitally important to not further TWI's false work in cutting me off from Jesus. Yes - this investigation, while interesting in its detail, ended up as a wash in proving anything. I read 3 or 4 anecdotal stories and repeated the one 2nd hand story I heard. If any of these were recorded it would be evidence. None were recorded. The only logical conclusion is that there is no evidence either way on this point other than anecdotes. The reason anecdotes aren't evidence is that they could be fictional and invented by the hype surrounding TWI. I do have a feeling that God doesn't operate in a way to stand around and let humans detect Him. There still is the whole freedom of will aspect - where you have to believe and trust. The times personally I have proved God in my life aren't like putting out a fleece, but more like believing and moving and seeing God work as I move. I think the main one is that TWI fronted SIT and those manifestations as "proof" of God's existence. You can't really use anything in this world as proof that God exists that will absolutely refute the naysayers. It has to still boil down to a personal choice.
    1 point
  5. I am totally humming the music to Les Miserables right now.
    1 point
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