"As for my qualifications, I suppose you're right. I have no theological qualifications ... outside of the holy spirit the Lord gave me and the Bible in my hand. It certainly is very humbling. The wonderful news, however, is that I'm among very good company, since these were precisely the qualifications of most of those biblical characters we know and love. I'm sure glad that the Paul didn't hold Peter to the same standards of authenticity that you seem to want to hold me to, brother. The funny thing is, I was under the impression that a person's true credentials come from Jesus, since the Bible teaches that "... it is not the one who commends himself who is approved, but the one whom the Lord commends."
Oh, here we go again, comparing ourselves to Biblical figures.
Guess what. you're not David, you're not Paul or Peter or Jesus. You're just an everyday guy, living a delusional life in the 21st century, imagining yourself to be a key player in some noble "spiritual" movement. In reality, you're a simple pawn in the God-Game, just like the rest of us were long ago. You're the guy on the 11 o'clock news who got hoodwinked out of his life savings by some seemingly sincere shyster. You might be a perfectly nice guy in real life. I wouldn't know. I've never met you. Continuing to live the TWI/PFAL/VPW/JAL charade for your own sake is one thing. Promoting it to others as a panacea for their problems is entirely something else. And, when I say "something else" I don't mean something good.
When I was a kid I loved to read. I did a lot of book reports. You find out quickly that you can't simply regurgitate paragraphs or rephrase statements to make them appear original. Right or wrong, you had to give your own take on what you felt the book was saying. So, with that in mind, what is Channing saying? Do you draw any correlations? How is it relevant to this discussion?
What Channing may or not be saying is nowhere nearly as important as the idea of speaking your own thoughts, your own mind, rather than continually defaulting to a parroted encore of previous performances.
In a nutshell:
Think for yourself. You'd be surprised how far you can go beyond what you were taught, despite Wierwille's assertions to the contrary.
edit: spelling