Hello. I'd like to step in and remind readers that some of us here are agnostics (I am) or atheists or whatever else who feel a moral obligation to speak up on topics pertaining to TWI and on our experiences in the group. We many not be Christians any more, but we have some perspectives that can help people decide whether to join The Way or get out of it, or stay away from offshoot groups who say they've fixed Way problems so their spin-off is better.
In my view, these spin-off groups are still perpetuating fundamentalism and cult-ish attitudes of "my interpretation of the Bible is right, yours is not."
DWBH and I share that moral compass that points us in the direction of speaking up, so do many others here. Calling out TWI policies and actions, and calling out former "public" leaders from the group who wielded their influence and caused harm, is part of a whistleblower's responsibility. Any of the offshoot leaders, etc., or staff at HQ are welcome to come here and debate, as I understand it.
Part of what I do, as it has evolved, has also been to interpret to the outside world (my friends who never heard of The Way and want to understand me) just what the heck we're talking about at this site (as in website) and our journeys as former-Way followers trying to recover.
One problem I face while "interpreting" is understanding where TWI "is at" these days at headquarters regarding this specific issue: Is their reluctance to put VPW's name on their website a court-ordered decision? A choice made from shame? A choice made...why?
Last month I wrote a letter to the Way Information Center, which is how you contact The Way these days, and asked that question. I sent the letter certified mail. No one has replied...yet. I thought it was only fair to give them a chance to say something about that. I am considering writing an article about the glaring absence of VPW from the website of the cult he started.
So, DWBH, I need a little more help. Could you clarify your view on the reason they don't mention VPW on their site? You left me with the impression they would be shooting themselves in the foot because so many people know about VP and LCM delinquency (understatement) issues that it makes the current iteration of The Way in New Knoxville want to disassociate from those men. The site says the group was founded in 1942. What is an outsider to make of a site that does not credit their founder or praise him like they used to? It is clear from other internet sites that VPW started The Way. It takes 2 seconds to discover that fact. What is up at HQ? Really.
I'd like some non-insider jargon to explain this to people who, for instance, are reading my blog.