What was it that Wierwille was selling?
The title of the class says it all... POWER For Abundant Living!
Wierwille was selling POWER. The reason we signed up for the class was to gain POWER, whether that was POWER to accomplish great spiritual feats or, POWER to get into the pants of the girl was waving a green card under our noses, or POWER to get rid of that person who kept bugging us to take the class.
The POWER that Wierwille sold was the counterfeit "law of believing"
The fundamental thing Wierwille taught was that there is POWER in believing. All the rest of the stuff... all the classes and all the programs... were promoted as means to gain and manage MORE of that POWER.
This thread poses the question "So what is believing?" I submit that "believing" was the particular form of snake-oil Wierwille sold to us, and that we in turn sold to others, good little multi-level marketers that we were.
As part of his subterfuge, Wierwille PREACHED many things about the Bible and Jesus that were true, but he TAUGHT things that were in direct opposition to the things he was preaching, often at the very same time, as was true in the section of the foundational class where he preached that we need to observe "to whom addressed" at the same time he was lying about to whom Romans 9-11 are addressed.
The meaning of "believing" in Matthew 21:22 has been brought into question, and an issue was raised, "was it a gospel thing only"?
Romans 15:4 says "For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope." Wierwille twisted this to mean we don't have to pay attention to anything in the Old Testament or the Gospels, because those things took place before the day of Pentecost. The irony of it all was that Wierwille took a huge proportion of his proof texts from the OT and the Gospels. Such was the case of Matthew 21:22. It occurs in the gospel of Matthew... but the truth is that the gospel of Matthew was written from, to and for a Christian community of faith well after the day of Pentecost, probably by the community at Antioch, the same community that sent Paul and Barnabas out as missionaries. Those Christians felt that the things Jesus said about "believing" at the incident of the fig tree were important for the members of their community to know. Those same Christians felt that is was just as important to know what Jesus said about POWER when his followers asked him how they should pray: "For thine is the kingdom and the POWER, and the glory, forever" (Matthew 6:13b).
The POWER belongs to God... ALWAYS! The glory belongs to God... ALWAYS!
When Wierwille taught that there is POWER in believing, he was stealing for himself the glory that rightly belongs to God only. He was teaching US to steal the glory that rightly belongs to God only, and we in turn taught the same thing to others. It's not something to be proud of...
There is NO POWER in believing. The POWER and the glory always belong to God and God alone.