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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/08/2015 in all areas

  1. Have you ever seen, heard of, read about anyone actually casting a mountain into the sea? I should think that should be your first clue that the verse is not meant to be interpreted literally.
    1 point
  2. OK, in the least common denominator, it's a form of self delusion, convincing yourself that your thoughts are going to cause changes to occur in the physical world. Some of those changes involve your personal being (as in believing for healing) and some involve enacting changes to the world around and outside you. (such as believing for red drapes) Believing is a process wherein you convince yourself that your thoughts are causing reality to change for better or worse.
    1 point
  3. One of the points of GreaseSpot is to act as a place where we (all or individually) hang out a big sign warning everyone away from the corn field. That must continue until the cornfield doesn't exist any more.
    1 point
  4. Exactly. People participated in LEAD, thinking the whole thing was revelation based. It wasn't. Some suffered life long disabilities because they thought they were following revelation given to leadership. Others weren't so lucky and lost their lives completely. I never went LEAD but I did a lot of foolish things that I had serious doubts about at the time. I thought my intuitive doubts were unbelief and pushed on recklessly because I thought my 5 senses were betraying me. It all sounds crazy looking back from a different perspective. ================================================================================================================ I wonder if anyone really received revelation of any kind at all That bunch of clowns on the farm in Ohio was so corrupt they would say anything to manipulate the masses. From what I've read, they didn't give a rat's @@@ about any Corps people. I think they would tell you they got revelation to tell you to hitch hike to L.E.A.D. just so they could save the money for the bus fare to get you out there and back! FWIW - I do believe that many of you safely made it out there and back by prayer and/or operation of one or more manifestations....but that's to your credit....not theirs. This was edited because on first posting, the second paragraph (from Waysider) didn't get included and it should have been. Oops!
    1 point
  5. I took all their classes & stuff (& PFAL alone about 50 times---Ha!), and went WOW three times. But (though invited) I never chose to go Corps. (I guess I just "enjoyed my freedom" too much. — Ha!) I will say that I enjoyed the research—but I'm also a sort of "renegade", so I never truly believed all of it 100%. Ironically though, it was "my own Biblical research" which provided me away out of there after "way too long". (That is, when I finally realized they weren't interested in any "new light"…which might be "an improvement" on PFAL, etc.) Even today, they remain "stuck in their tradition", and are very unwilling to make any changes to their "original indoctrination package"—even if it makes more sense! (I call these "Wierwillites"…LOL.) I'll give you one "funny anecdote" though: One Saturday morning (just out of curiosity) I calculated that we had given our landlord $94,000 over the years—and had nothing to show for it. Shocked, I said to my wife: "Hey sweetie—rules or no rules, we're getting a house!" Within a month, we were living in "the most perfect home you could imagine" for us! (But that's another story in itself. Let me just say that "God is good.") Now (of course) the leadership of TWI didn't take kindly to our "going in debt", and (although we weren't being kicked-out over this) they informed us that we could no longer be fellowship coordinators, join the corps or go "fellow laborers", etc. (And I thought to myself: "That's just fine with me!") However, they all came to our "housewarming". And you should have heard the leaders' remarks then—LOL. One remarked: "What a beautiful party house!" And as we talked, she was saying how great it would be to run classes or even fellowships here—and was already describing (in detail) just where "this or that' could go, etc. I asked her if I might be "privileged to oversee" the class or fellowship meeting in my house. She replied: "No, I'm afraid we'll have to do that. And it's not that we don't love you—it's merely about your mortgage loan from the bank…that's all." After they all left, it did seem "rather curious" to my wife and I how it could be "so wrong for us" to even have this house at all, but "so right for them" to use it"??? That made no sense—and especially that I would have to "let them be in charge" of what goes on in my own house when they came to visit! Hypocrites all! (LOL) Thanks for listening!
    1 point
  6. Exactly. People participated in LEAD, thinking the whole thing was revelation based. It wasn't. Some suffered life long disabilities because they thought they were following revelation given to leadership. Others weren't so lucky and lost their lives completely. I never went LEAD but I did a lot of foolish things that I had serious doubts about at the time. I thought my intuitive doubts were unbelief and pushed on recklessly because I thought my 5 senses were betraying me. It all sounds crazy looking back from a different perspective.
    1 point
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