My life got EXPONENTIALLY BETTER when I stopped trying to follow
this one:
To receive anything from God, you must first become meek
......BECAUSE twi had contorted this "key" to mean
the follower was to obey his leadership in the chain of command
whether twig/branch/limb/corps leader above him. If you were
NOT meek to them[ie subordinate and cower to twi leadership], then you
were in no position to be meek to God.
The Phariseeism in twi had leavened the whole da-mn loaf.
Screw that.
Oh, what a cute little kiddie-song.
And.....God has something to say via scripture, too.
Stuff like taking another's wife. Or, predation over "the flock."
Adultery is a no-no.
Did wierwille listen? Did wierwille pay close attention?