MRAP, it is not about YOU "taking care of someone" or even "bringing into the word." YOU are only one individual. It's not (in TWI style) just your responsibility to ensure someone "gets into the Word" and even less that they "accept" the Word (that's their individual responsibility). For a start, you are not the only person in your victim's (?) life. (They were victims when we tried to get them to take the class!) It's egotistical to think that it's all down to YOU. Don't you think Jesus has other people helping the person he wants to "bring into the Word"? Other people that the intended lives with, works with, has as relatives or neighbors, fellow club members, drinking mates... We are fellow laborers with him (Jesus) and not take-over merchants that want the glory all for ourselves.
Be thankful if your example or your words does help win someone. But it's highly likely that many others will have played a significant part too in sowing the seed; maybe you were just the last to add a little water or got the privilege to "harvest" - but it's not your harvest, you are still only one of many laborers.
There are many ways to witness. Your lifestyle is key. Help at a food bank, with the Salvation Army, in a charity shop, doing something useful in your neighborhood. Whatever. Stand up alongside people who are oppressed. Confront the workplace bully. Don't get drunk but help those who are drunk. DO something, don't knock on doors or simply tell people. Let your life and your actions be the witness. That's the way you will "bring people to the Word." And you will show them right living at the same time.
It's NOT lame to help other people. You don't know what simply being kind to someone in a soup kitchen might mean to them.
Be prepared, yourself, to work alongside other Christians. You might just shock yourself with what you learn from them. Indeed, you might find yourself being "brought to the Word." The real Word. The Living Word.