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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/27/2015 in all areas

  1. I was the last one in in my family. They tried to pull me out, but it wasn't until they stopped badgering me about it that I left. It drove me crazy to have them tell me how stupid I was to still be in. I was a proud idiot. In my opinion, the best you can do is live a good life OUTSIDE the cult and let them see it. Show them you have a "more abundant" life than they do in their sad little world. Treat them with kindness and respect. If my folks had done that I would have been out years earlier. But instead I marked and avoided them and didn't talk with them for five years., Sometimes that stuff backfires. Bigtime.
    1 point
  2. When you say 'the Duggers are vile" the inplication is that ALL Duggers are vile. Is that 'all without exception or all without distinction'? Do you feel the girls are vile? Do you think the small children are vile? I personally find it abhorrent to condemn an entire family for what a few individuals did, but because of the hate and oppressive atmosphere for Christians that characterizes our culture today, I suppose it is to be expected. I will continue to judge for myself those things that presume to know what is best for my life and dictates terms to me, but I will not judge those of whom I know nothing. I am certain you will continue judging all and sundry that dare not fall into your preconceived notions because it is that voodoo that you do so well.
    1 point
  3. Comparing an old man lecher with a 14-year-old doesn't seem right IMHO. The old man was looking for satisfaction, and, perhaps the boy was as well - yet I tend to think there was more curiosity than anything else. I've taught many youngsters that age and I have to tell you that all 14 yr.olds are not created equally. Some are very mature mentally, physically, and in all other ways and some not so much. I don't know how long they've been on the air, but these tragic events would have to have happened 13 years ago. Josh is 27 now and this occurred when he was 14, so that's 13 years. The reason I bring this up is that maybe dealing with it the way they did had nothing to do with the show.(?) If that's the case, it's probably best that once everything was handled, and the girls received the appropriate apology and his parents' discipline, perhaps that should have been the end of it - - especially in view of his youth. In I Cor. 13, one of those statements about "charity" what it does and what it doesn't do.....one of those, says "it covers over in silence". This is the wisest thing, again, IMHO. It allows the "sinner" to rise above the guilt and condemnation. It also keeps others from putting him down by bringing this up again. It's the same way God forgives us and removes our sin so far away....."as far as the East is from the West" Now, please don't start piling on me as a "Duggar apologist" because that's not where I'm coming from.
    1 point
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