I Abundantly shared in TWI.....not cheerfully at all. In fact, I dreaded doing it.
When I got out of TWI, I did not share with a ministry or person.
After awhile, I sent some money to two ministries. Not on a regular basis or anything, but occasionally.
Last year, I decided to prove the "giving" method. I started sending a certain amount of money to a ministry. My finances increased so much I couldn't believe it. What it did for me was to finally trust God in this area.
Recently, a friend had a need and she told me about it. I got up the next day and God put it on my heart to send some money to her. Then probably like 15-20 minutes, I had sat down to read the Bible and I asked God to show me something, which I always do. And He took me to 2nd Corinthians 8 & 9. I had never really read that with any effort to get a message, but it just came alive to me. Meeting the saint's needs. And then the promises that were stated, that I would have all suffiency in everything. That He would multiply my seed so I would even have more to give. That it's for an equality...so everyone has what they need. It really got me all excited. Then I just started reading Acts.....and the 3,000 that believed and were saved.....how they, the 3,000 had all things common. And they would sell their possessions to meet other needs of the saints. I started combing the book of Acts for more and it's there. It really thrilled me.
I don't think we are under law at all. But, I think we have the promises about giving. Do you have to give in order to have God take care of you and give you blessings. No....I don't believe so. Because for years I didn't and I was taken care of by God. The difference is I am receiving more blessings now than I ever have. I am a lot happier now then when I was trying to hold onto my money out of fear that I wouldn't have enough. I have more than enough now.
This is my experience with it. I'm sure others will say it never worked for them. I have no comment about that person's experience. I can only share my experience. . My heart about this matter has changed dramatically than when I was in TWI. I am a much happier person and I am so glad that I decided to try it.
My experience, my views....only.