The Way Corps’ success rate was abysmal. Their pronouncements of the spiritual status of a situation were totally self-serving. I remember some folks complaining about the unethical business practices of our branch leader. His response: teachings on how murmuring was sinful and that devil spirits are turning people against him.
Jump forward to being in the Family Corps – the Passing of the Patriarch is read while the wife and I are in residence; we’re not real sure what’s being done to straighten things out – but we’re often reminded that we’re really under fire from devil spirits now…. yeah, no $hi+ Sherlock and for some reason they look a lot like TWI’s top leadership!
I think this was the beginning of a major doubt growing in my mind “if this ministry has more of the rightly divided word than anyone else then why is there all this fighting and confusion?” And then there’s all the tough-talk from our corps as to how to persevere in this spiritual fight once we leave Rome City “yup, we’re gonna run PFAL back to back.” Oh yeah, I forgot about the magic bullet for every spiritual problem.
Then we’re on assignment out in the field. Away from the entanglements of corps residence, my mind seems to be festering with more questions and doubts. I buy a few commentaries at an estate sale down the block from our home. Check out some books on theology at the library, look into vp’s credentials and start dialoging with other corps in my state who have some issues with TWI too.
I start sharing some of my concerns with our corps via letters. The feedback we get implies we are deceived by devil spirits. And I mean it’s unanimous.
So to re-phrase my opening statement for those who dive deep into the spirituality of the spirited bull$hi+Uality: The Way Corps is to an in-depth spiritual perception and awareness what Walter White is to methamphetamine. They both made money by peddling their $hi+ to suckers. But from what I’ve read though it seems methamphetamine in low doses will actually increase alertness, concentration and energy.