Whooooa Mark, this is FASCINATING STUFF! Thank you so much for posting this! You should write a book on this subject yourself. No kidding! Isn't it interesting though that when Jesus Christ will rule the world people will still be sinning, and I would guess, there are STILL going to be people that will not accept Him!!!
I also know about the lies and deceit of which you are speaking. It's ringing through loud and clear in every aspect of our lives, and it is especially grievous when us so called "Christians" fall for the deception of the world and are too chicken to stand on The Word, because of the persecution and mockery that goes along with it. Oh, I'll have to read your post over again, I think with my brain I need to reread it a few times before I get the full gist of it.
Waysider, lol you goof. You just can't help being a goof can you? :)