For some 12 years, wierwille struggled with the pathway before him....admittedly, he wanted to bolt from his church pastorate and move into business. Mrs. Wierwille's book, Born Again to Serve, delves into her husband's temperament and outbursts in his feelings of inadequacy and direction. Yet, all of this changed when wierwille took Rev. BG Leonard's foundational class in Calgary, Alberta in 1953.
Was this class THAT liberating?
OR......was it the pathway to a class-based ministry THAT was so liberating?
IMO, it was the latter.....the class-based pathway that gave wierwille the fortitude to break from the church structure. And, with Leonard's foundational class in 1953, wierwille was able to distance himself from his church pastorate AND leonard with each passing year. That's the beauty of those one-sided isolation allows revisionist history to gain the narrative of one's summit climb.
Sure, we've all heard vpee's spiel about "needing power and it wasn't there....." But stepping back a moment, the question arises "Separating the genuine from the counterfeit, does the one seeking power want it to HELP OTHERS....or does the seeker desparately want it to RULE OVER OTHERS?" And further, when Jesus said that ye shall know them by their fruit....I believe we are able to answer that question regarding wierwille's intentions and motivations. Time and time again, I witnessed wierwille verbally lashing out to cower his, student. In a class-setting, a controlled-setting.....yes, vpw came across as a patient and paternal teacher. But....on his feet, in the split moment of addressing real situations, questions and/or dissention......wierwille was a striker.
His embedded first response was.....strike force. Juxtaposed from the gospels, where Jesus lovingly addressed one's sins, shortcomings or darkness.....wierwille displayed a pattern of promptly putting one in his place. In other words, a dress make it abundantly clear that you weren't qualified to discern such spiritual matters. It had a belittling separate him from the immature, the little people. Mission Accomplished.
Wierwille's Summit: Spiritual Noblesse.....vpee was on a quest towards "spiritual nobility."
IMO.....When young wierwille attended E. Stanley Jones' Ashram in 1944
[with Rufus Mosley and Stanley Jones pictured in the front row near Jones
and little whipper-snapper wierwille in the back row barely visible amongst
the 320 or so present]....noted on page 48, mrs. w's book
it speaks VOLUMES, to me, as to victor's "placement in the spiritual community"
AND HOW FAR HE NEEDED TO CLIMB to reach any sort of recognition or notoriety.
See, that's why I believe that, all along, wierwille's drive for "spiritual noblesse"
was disingenuous, insincere. He wanted to rule over others, period. He wanted authority
and a comfortable position to rule and control at another's expense. And, every enabler...
er, trustee who pandered to this enterprise was complicit in counterfeiting the truth.
Furthermore, every splinter group leader....most notably, Geer and Lynn and Finnegan
have followed the same pattern as wierwille. But then, none of this is new. None of
this is surprising. None of this is to say that we weren't ALREADY WARNED.
Seducers and deceivers wanting to lord over God's heritage.....