It's rather obvious vpw didn't understand "his" "Great Principle" because it was both
inconsistent and senseless.
"God is Spirit. God can only give that which He is."
As Raf pointed out on this once, God gave manna. God is not manna. (And so on.)
"God is Spirit. Spirit can only communicate with spirit."
Again, Raf pointed out that this is inconsistent.
According to vpw, God CAN'T communicate with body-and-soul, flesh-and-blood.
(Let's ignore all the instances where God did EXACTLY that.)
So, God gives spirit, and God communicates with spirit, and that spirit God
gave us communicates with our mind.
Wait- that spirit can communicate with flesh-and-blood, body-and-soul, but
God Almighty is UNABLE TO because he is spirit???
This gets even more senseless when they end up tacking on the wild explanation
that every incident and instance in the Bible where God Almighty darn well DID
communicate with people involved putting spirit upon them for just that moment
in a "phenomena." It just gets more and more convoluted and wrong for every
single incidence that's discussed-since that stupidity has to be tacked on to
discussions about lots of unrelated things.