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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/06/2014 in all areas

  1. "It took all the strength I had not to fall apart...." - you are so strong, roy "As long as I know how to love, I know I'm still alive!" you ARE alive my friend roy
    1 point
  2. something else i'm thinking about roy. i can't remember the bible verses but i'm sure someone here does -- our lord jesus christ came to heal the broken hearted, the down and outers, the outcasts, the people that don't "fit" -- like ME, like schizophrenics -- there is a day coming when we will be TOTALLY healed and happy -- but until then we have to try and go on because our lord wants us to and i don't understand the part about "by his stripes we've BEEN healed"? i think that refers to the future because this life mostly sucks. but he's with us all the time, you know? love you did you click on my link above? here's another one (same movie) but it helps me a lot :)
    1 point
  3. oh dear roy, i pray for you a lot. tomorrow is the 7th. i guess you don't have the money for a cab to group? can anyone give you a lift? walking 3-4 hours just sounds like too much. i'm 57 and i couldn't do it. and i haven't had strokes or anything like that. i wish i had comfort and advice to give you. you are such a strong individual love, ex http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=p5jfH7zuMFM
    1 point
  4. I remember when you first put that quote below your avatar, but without the "vpig" acknowledgment. I thought it meant that you were in such a good place, now, that you could show people what was good about being alive. I'm still praying for you to get to that place. George
    1 point
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