He wasn't the devil. He was just a weak man who never developed academic discipline thus took the plagiarist way out, and an unfaithful husband who taught a doctrine of adultery to his inner circle and practiced it. I guess what stemmed from those two things probably gave the devil plenty to work with though.
There are others around who really like to make excuses for that stuff, so that they can continue to use his pithy statements as wisdom to live by. That's kind of weak too.
I guess the "wisdom of the world", which includes commandments like "Thou shalt not commit adultery", and "Thou shalt not steal" is just something we don't really need to live by. Why would we need that kind of wisdom when we can understand true spiritual wisdom, not wisdom of the world like God really meant "spiritual adultery" meaning "not standing on the Word" meaning not trusting VP's double-talk?