Yes. The claims are qualitatively different. Clearly you do not understand that, and I am through trying to explain it to you.
No, when you stubbornly refuse to acknowledge a basic human capacity as defined and recognized both by laymen and those with training in both linguistics AND Christian theology, you have stubbornly pretended that the mechanism doesn't exist when it does. That does nothing to detract from my argument. It only gives you a false confidence in yours. I have employed no logical fallacy. You have manufactured one, and you are the only one to study this issue to pretend I am wrong here.
Not proving it to your satisfaction, but only because you are willing to believe anything, including admitted fakery, is a language until proved otherwise, which is a bass-ackward application of the burden of proof.
And then he'll accept it. I promise!
SIT is not "code. You are retrofitting the Biblical definition of glossa to suit your own argument.
They were not mediums. They were frauds. You're the only one here who still thinks they were mediums.
Your experience is irrelevant. The fact is that TWI trained us all in the improv techniques needed to produce convincing-sounding interpretations and prophecies. The training was right there. You helped provide it.