In 1978, wierwille's tone of ownership of "his" corps came in the derisive term COP OUTS.
Sitting in those corps meetings, I had the gut sense that wierwille's twi had a major, structural flaw. Why was vpw name-calling?
Why can't corps grads leave twi if they so desire? Why the heavy-handedness?
Yet, others sitting around me didn't seem perplexed.......what gives? Was I being too judgemental? Was I not seeing it clearly?
There it was in PLAIN SIGHT......and yet, there was no mounting dissent. So......I shelved this "concern" for another day.
Red flags were clearly flying in 1978.
Why aren't the clergy seeing this? Are they just a group of yes-men?
Questions, questions........and I was a lowly inrez corps guy.
Who was I to 'nitpick' the great mog of the universe for his choice of terms.
Or, does "cop out" indicate something far more sinister and devious?
The hidden parts of twi are now in plain sight.