In many ways AA has done a work that TWI was and is too lazy to ever do anything close to. They have taken a specific category of people with special needs and dedicated resources to helping them. This includes work evaluating that category of people medically, psychologically, sociologically, setting up an infrastructure of meetings and mentorships, and packaging it into a simple enough program to implement that you see groups operating under their banner almost anywhere you go.
TWI has a McDonald's approach - one size fits all. If someone shows themselves to have special needs, rather than doing any work at all towards adapting to meet those needs, TWI basically will isolate them, attack them, and eventually cast them out. Oh, and they will do this while vehemently denying they do anything like this with their mouths.
In many ways, AA meets what society's expectations are for a non-profit. Help the community in tangible ways. TWI does not.