Piggybacking (plagiarizing?) on what geisha said earlier:
This post bothered me a great deal, but a little shift in perspective helped bring me down from my high horse.
Let's get something straight: I neither know nor care why 90% of former TWI members avoid GSC. A decent percentage of former TWI members still believe Wierwille was some unique man of God and are doing everything they can to preserve his legacy. A decent percentage don't spend a lot of time on the Internet, and certainly not in forums and chat rooms. A decent percentage are perfectly fine without GSC. A small percentage think Wierwille's written works are a Newer Testament.
I don't view it as my responsibility, or GSC's, to recruit as many former TWI followers as possible. GSC is here for them, not the other way around.
To hate this thread with a deep hatred takes one of two things: a contempt for being "tempted away" from an experience you genuinely believe to be godly (aka, truly righteous indignation), or the touching of a raw nerve. Maybe it's a combination of the two. I don't know.
But I suspect I've touched a nerve, and I've done it in a way that is logically consistent and deeply troubling for a lot of people.
Those who believe their experience is genuine need not be troubled by my thesis. After all, I'm wrong. Does the presence of Islam in the world fill you with a deep hatred? Hinduism? Shintoism? No. But the existence of an argument that dares to suggest a practice that does not appear to produce what the Bible says it's supposed to produce might not actually be genuine? Hatred.
I submit that the hatred is inappropriate and wrongly directed. This thread, and my argument within it, are not worthy of hate. Agree with it. Disagree with it. Argue with it. Ignore it. Debate it. Dismiss it.
But hating this thread means you not only hate my position -- you hate the very presence of the discussion.
How do I put this? Boo. Hoo.
We were under the thumb of an oppressive regime that squelched debate and squashed free thought and inquiry as ungodly. What was the first mistake Eve made? She considered it. And ever since then we were taught it was a divine virtue not to even consider that the claptrap we were being fed might, gasp, be flipping WRONG.
You know what I hate? I hate the lie.