Pete.....thanks for starting this thought-provoking thread.
When it comes to "vetting" an individual or organization, the scriptures are laced with plenty of pearls of wisdom.
Obviously, there are those [especially, youth] who are swayed by emotion, charisma, appearances, glitter, slick presentations
and advertising, peer pressure idolizing, etc.........and thus, the scriptures unequivocally point out the camouflaged and hidden
aspects of DECEPTION, MANIPULATION, EXPLOITATION, etc. that are designed to "fool the very elect."
1) Beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and [the leaven] of Herod.
2) Wolves in sheeps' clothing
3) You shall know them by their fruits
4) Tares and wheat....will be known at harvest
5) Those who suppress by winks and hods
6) Not with excellency of speech, BUT DEMONSTRATION OF POWER
7) Etc. Etc.
The manipulation that THE WAY INTERNATIONAL employed was multi-leveled......but one of their sinister ploys was that once a person
took the class and "got involved" was to stay the course. What? Excuse me......but when one recognizes evil deceiving, then he has
Why did Jesus expose the Pharisee hypocrisy over and over? Because the people were ensnared in this system of evil and could not see it!
Systems, structures and organizations layered in bureacracy often hide the simplicity of the truth. And, when one peels back all the
obfuscation of these systems, truth emerges.