No? You really kind of are if you demand Raf prove his point....funny how that works. How about any reasonable standard? I have to wonder, as I have inadvertently strung two words together that Freud once used in some esoteric essay and I am somehow working for the wrong side. What standard did you use in evaluating my post to come up with that gem? Just an observation here, but it appears you don't really hold yourself or your random rambling thoughts to any standard.
How about it Johniam....did you pay for PFAL.....fork over money to learn to operate the Holy Spirit? How were you and I any different than Simon in Acts? We paid cash to receive the so-called power of God. We did it with tongues, we did it with Interpretation and with prophecy.....and if you are an Advanced class grad as I am, you did with the rest of what VP termed manifestation of the HS. That is just so offensive. To me now and always to God whose gifts are freely given as He wills. Simon was actually refused, so, he went on to start his own special school of magic. Much like VP.
It was a scam. If you don't want to listen to the reasoning on this thread....check out the scriptures and some church history. We followed the guy who offered to sell us the magic. The problem may be that you are still so vested in that gnostic flavored gospel you can't really see the difference. It is just a modern day repeat of what happened in the first church. Although, Simon had a much larger following and a greater impact on the church. He was a real pain in their backsides.
We took a serious wrong turn.