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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/22/2012 in all areas

  1. ".....bum-rushed off twi property in the middle of the night by a security guard with a 9mm firearm". Oh, so THAT'S what they meant by "all 9 all the time".
    1 point
  2. Well...........I find it hard to believe that L. Craig Martindale was allowed, and insulated by twi's inner circle, sexual predation access to corps and staff women from say, 1980-1999. Year after year, the soon-to-be-twi's-president was groomed by none other than twi's "wolf preying on her little female lambs".....mr. wierwille, himself. And, John.......speaking of CONFRONTATION, have you completely erased from your memory the night when P@ul All#n phoned you and DEMANDED A FACE-TO-FACE CONFRONTATION WITH MARTINDALE.....??? Remember, John? Paul demanded that you and rosalie be present when he confronted predator martindale about sexual assaults towards his wife, F#rne. So, late at night.....in February, 1999.....in martindale's office, in the "corps chalet" with J0hn L!nder nearby brandishing a glock 9mm, P@ul All#n DEMANDED FOR THE IMMEDIATE RESIGNATION OF MARTINDALE. Remember, John Reynolds? You were there.....and newly installed as Secretary-Treasurer of TWI. Wouldn't the sexual predation of corps/staff women be considered devilish? In all that is truth and uprightness, of course it is. Yet, you sided in martindale's corner......and P@ul & F#rne were bum-rushed off twi property in the middle of the night by a security guard with a 9mm firearm. What a night of hell they experienced. Thankfully, the All#ns won the out-of-court settlement AND martindale was ousted from twi per the advice of twi's lawyers. Yep, the lawyers had to give "spiritual counsel" to John and Rosalie to get them to act responsibly. So, John......you might be able to "counsel" the schlubs at headquarters about confrontation, but those of us who heard first-hand testimony of martindale's sexual predation KNOW how twi circles their wagons to "protect their own and their image." If this is your idea of "being energized by God's spirit" John......you've got a long way to travel. <_< .
    1 point
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