When long out of twi did I met people who were truly in love and had a taste of what marriage should be (except for the exceptional Jane and Howard of Alameda and Ralph and Joanne of Oakland).
Have one ex-twi friend who is still involved in a "marriage" that has hurt both of them for many many years. In my opinion the twisted loyalty mind set and so much [overall c*r*a*p] of twi prevented people from ever forming that deeply rooted bond of affection which I now believe is what should be found in the marriage God has in mind.
When Billy Graham came to Sacramento circa 1995 and Ruth was unable to come due to her sickness and he spoke of her and it was like a piece of him just wasn't there he just loved her so.
There is stuff of a marriage people with cult thinking just can't experience because of the cult's "first place" in the devotee's heart (including those who haven't severed those ties even though they have "left). I never saw what I now believe is a marriage made in heaven in twi.
Amend that: Jane and Howard and Ralph and Joanne just came to mind, but they were married long before twi got a hold of them. That's probably also why they were able to leave in one piece and keep their hold on their abundant life. These precious peole also were the ones who provided a home base to so many because of the foundation of kindness that was in their personal home.