To me it was the unwritten messages sent from above and the vast dichotomy between them and the public "promotion" proclamations that were really the worst. To really promote body, soul, spirit is to promote a full and rich life, in which you have time to develop your body and soul - like the hobbies we showed off in residence. You don't have your whole week with every spare minute sucked up by meaningless rote meetings where people regurgitate already boring STS teachings and Way mag articles. You have time to exercise, to prepare healthy food to eat, to have hobbies in the community and the friends that surround them. TWI may have promoted body, soul, spirit with their mouth, but their actions were opposite.
Same with marriages. I would have to say I've seen more marriages broken up by TWI clergy than held together or saved. It's always a commitment to TWI thing, coupled with suspicion and accusations towards whichever in the couple would share less with the leader. Like a prisoner of war scenario with rewards for snitching on other prisoners. In fact, that was the case in general, not just marriages.
Individual family? Yeah, right. You don't have time to go to your kids sports games, you have to be at a Branch meeting on Saturday, otherwise where's your commitment? The more responsibility you have in leadership, the more meetings are added. And those meetings are just a forum for some egotist to put their stamp on things. In fact, the higher the level of the meeting, the more really wacky $h1t I've heard in that type of meeting. God I would hate to be around the BOD and their paranoia laced little side comments. I've never met a more sin conscious group of people than TWI leadership. And they are the ones who should be strongest in grace.
Education? With no student loans? And college prices rising exponentially year after year? NO, you don't promote education. Do you even have a college scholarship fund like ANY of the community orgs around? No. How do people on Staff's kids do it? They staff parents go on welfare so that the kids can get Pell Grants and go for free (well, not really free - my tax dollars pay for that cr@p). TWI pays staff people less than the poverty level so that their kids qualify. That org realistically would be labeled the least supportive of education possible by an independant evaluator.
Health? No time to exercise, all your exercise time is spent making up reports about your weekly activities, which ironically includes mandated exercise. No money to buy healthier food. No time to prepare it. Cheap coffee, drinks with sugar and crappy processed snacks at all meetings and classes. Little sleep. High stress. The best choice I ever made for my health was leaving TWI.
MOG Rules? Sickening. Disgusting. Just like Jesus wrote about the Pharisees - they place heavy burdens on people they won't themselves lift with their little finger. Then they criticize the burdened down for being overwhelmed and not able to handle it, while they live a life of comfort, low morality, and decadence. Very sick. God will remember this and repay.