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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/26/2012 in all areas

  1. You have more kindness,forgivness and understanding in spiritual things than twi ever had or will.You have been a rock here at GSC.
    1 point
  2. A dear friend said that Holy Spirit showed him his life like a 100-year football game, and therefore (he is late 60's) he is still in the 3rd quarter and the 4th quarter is where most of the major plays are made. So it should be with us. I am 66, went deaf, lost my husband, went deaf, am pretty close to destitute but the 23+ years I spent in twi, although they were "prime" years are receding in their proportion of my life the longer I live. I don't know if I will have a 100-year life which my friend is expecting (He comes from a long-lived family), but my dad and his brother lived into their 90s and late 80's, respectively, and my mom's side had some good long lived people there as well, so I am thinking I still may have time for a touchdown or two. I know I am responsible for living the best I can in the moments I have right now, and that the weight of the sins of unforgiveness, bitterness, and regret are too heavy to bear. God has not forsaken me and I still have hope and trust God for His kindness and protection, His care and concern. I am so very very thankful that God got me out of twi. WIthout Greasespot Cafe (and WayDale and Transchat) even though I was kicked out of twi I still might be kicking myself for my spiritual weakness which caused me to be "marked and avoided"!!! But because of God's mercy and kindness and the work of all the kindhearted people who have shared their/your life stories, I have been able to keep growing with the Lord and in my life with the Holy Spirit, but it definitely requires leaving bitterness etc. behind.
    1 point
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