All these little sayings...because we were living just like they did in the first century, weren't we?
As if anyone really knows. Which believers, anyway, in the first century? Those in Jerusalem, or in Antioch, or in Crete, or in Galatia, or where? I'm sure that they all had different ways of "living the Word" according to their own cultural backgrounds.
However, one thing that did set them apart was this: there was a daily meeting of needs, care for members of the community, and a sharing of whatever people owned "neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common."
That lifestyle was significantly evaded by TWI right from the get-go.
Common property? Hah, you try moving into the Corps Chalet or the Wierwille homestead! Or just joining the top people impromptu and uninvited, for a meal!!
was true however. You can't separate God and the Ministry...because they, the TWI bigwigs, already did!!!