Hi! I really am Steve Lortz!
I post under my real name!
The things I have posted here are true to the best of my knowledge.
Martindale propositioned a woman I personally knew. I heard it from her own lips. That's what turned me away from TWI in 1987. I knew then that Martindale was a lying predator. As time went on, I realized Martindale had been trained to become a lying predator by a lying predator, V.P. Wierwille.
As I did actual RESEARCH into the things I had been taught in PFAL, I came to realize that the material in that class was a plagiarized pastiche of the odd "private" interpretations of Wierwille. There were a few truths that slipped through Wierwille's sieve and made it into the class, but it wasn't because Wierwille knew how to separate truth from error. It was because Wierwille himself was NOT able to separate truth from error.
The Way International DOES NOT HAVE the greatest package of truth about the Word of God since the first century. The Corps training DOES NOT TEACH an in-depth spiritual perception and awareness. It deadens a person's ability to hear the Spirit of God by forcing her or him to listen to the creepy voice of a fleshly organization. There are numberless Christians walking by the Spirit in EVERY denomination that acknowledges that Jesus is Lord and that God raised Him from the dead. The Way International is no longer holding forth the Word of Life, rather it is hoarding the believers' ABS so the elite can live high on the interest it draws.
When you leave The Way International, you do not become a greasespot by midnight, but you can discover that God and Jesus have loved you all along, and have provided for you beforehand, even for your act of leaving!