In studying the deceptive tactics of wierwille and co. to advance their agenda, with a sullied and sordid list that stretches from plagairism to predation to posthumously preachment, the bottom of the bottom line was......the manipulation of one's consent.
Thread after thread, I cannot help but see that twi is the usurper of the core of the individual, one's consent. Whether its in written form, or verbal, or nonverbal condoning......twi continues its spiritual assault on their followers UNTIL THEY RESIST. As long as one stays in that 'relationship of insubordination'.....twi leadership are in control of your life. You are allowing it. Perhaps, the mindset is so ingrained with such spiritual abuse, that the twi follower is unaware of its prowess, and its damaging effects.
Whether....1)Incrementalism, 2)Hold the microphone--Hold the power, 3)Instruction vs Indoctrination, 4)Reeducation Camps at HQ, 5)Most Fiery Confrontations Leveled at Dissenting Leaders, 6)Corps: The Leash Gets Shorter...etc. etc.....every stage, every program, twi is targeting YOUR CONSENT OF APPROVAL. Of course, the early stages involve love-bombing and aggressive undershepherding and keeping you away from your friends, family and co-workers. And obviously, the pfal class and subsequent classes have no room for dialogue and questioning the material. The droning of information is overloading your brain circuits.....DECEPTIVELY AND INTENTIONALLY.
In the mid-'70s, one of those deprogrammers claimed that "The Way International was one of the most deceptive and subtle cults in America." Unlike other dramatic cults of that era where Moonies sold flowers and Jim Jones' followers set up a Jonestown commune.....the way ministry was not like that. After all, even Bud Morgan endorsed its message with the film 'Changed' featuring the Str@uh@l Family and events surrounding PFAL '77. many took notice that the Str@uh@l family exited a few years later?
One consent and one step at a time, twi strengthened its power.
Having finished the advanced class, twi sent out a form letter stating to the grad that, now, he/she 'owed his life to the ministry.' Ballsy, huh? What an outrageous claim! What a power-grab of individuality! The proper response should have been......A ONE-FINGER SALUTE.
In isolation and behind closed doors, the corps program was a 'power grab of consent' in one full swoop. Many, of which I am one, perceived it more along the lines of bait-n-switch. Yes, I'd signed on the line for christian service.....BUT I DIDN'T SIGN UP FOR THIS! My mind swirled with rebellion in the first month of that inresidency year! Why so many classes? Always? Why can't we have a night off to enjoy the sunset? Are you kidding me?....self-structure time on Saturday is from 1-4:30pm....BFD! And really, you dumb-shxts don't have to regulate my aerobic point. I'm so d@mn tired of sitting in classes....I WANT TO RUN AND GET OUT OF THIS PLACE.
From newbie to clergy........twi has devised a system of usurping one's consent. At no point along this chain do you hear, "Why don't you go home and pray for the Lord's guidance and see what He has in store for you?" Each step, each time you consent....the doors to this secret temple lead you down another passageway. Whether there's 33-layers to this pyramid, in Masonic-like structure, I don't really care to know....but what I do know? The deeper in you go, the more non-Christian its virtues.
By the grace of God, I found my way out. And, today I stand strong on individual liberty and will not let it go. No longer will I allow groupthink to sway my integrity or my morals. Giving away one's giving away one's life.
Proverbs 1:10 My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not.