That just goes to show the insanity with which they operate.
They are just so BLIND they cannot distinguish the difference between a commitment to God and a relationship with other people. There is NO acceptable human relationship that is 100% one-sided like that - for example: You owe me everything, I owe you nothing. I mean, try dating with those tenets and see how far it gets you. Or a job, or a friendship, or belonging to a neighborhood, or civic group, or ANYTHING.
Only in TWI can you have a guy that steals 90% of the teaching material, packages it into classes and books mostly edited by other people, and somehow that guy is transformed into God. "The ministry" is de-personified such that it is such the holy ideal, endeavor. People lie, cheat, steal, blackball others, blackmail others, slander and libel all in the name of "the ministry" and that it "be not blamed".
They JUST CAN'T PUT IT TOGETHER. "The ministry" is nothing more than them and their behavior. If their behavior is corrupt, abusive, immoral, then HOW CAN THE MINISTRY NOT BE BLAMED?????? If they turn a blind eye to it in the name of preserving their little position, IT IS NOT ONLY BLAMED, BUT ALREADY JUDGED BY GOD.
I swear people must be stupider than stupid to continually buy into that cr@p0la. This is why TWI bots mostly suck at other relationships in their lives too. They know NOTHING about boundaries.